by jasanne 10 Jun 2008

One for each of my daughters - they chose the colours. I said max 3 colours but Miss S wanted four so mum sat watching with her finger on the pause button so she could change colours in the middle where there was no official colour stop :) Now Miss M is saying I want one for a bookmark, and one for a necklace and one for.......


by stickmuster 11 Jun 2008

Very sweet! Oh, these girls! Their wishes must be simply fulfilled! Flowers for you

by shirleysisson 11 Jun 2008

Good way of using the hearts, Well done to you and your daughters. *4U

by celticlady1031 11 Jun 2008

What a cute idea using the hearts. Good job. And very lucky girls.

by ezzemml 11 Jun 2008

That is sweet. My daughter wanted a heart on a towel today so i said that if she want's it she has to do it. I think she was quite shocked that i would let her use my precious emb machine.

1 comment
jasanne by jasanne 12 Jun 2008

at 7yrs and 9yrs I'm still a bit unsure about letting them use my machine, but one of the 9yr olds is keen to learn. :)

by mops Moderator 11 Jun 2008

I've got 2 daughters who own an embroidery machine and my granddaughter who is 5 likes to help her mother too. It's nice to see them so interested. And of course they have a mind of their own as concerns colours and so on, even at that age. Flowers for you and your daughters.

by nglover1 11 Jun 2008

Nice work , 4 Daughters wow . Someone to teach and pass on your knowledge about embroidery. A flower for you ( and the 4 girls )

by lbrow 11 Jun 2008

that's wonderful, they r learning, U r teaching. that means your sewing talents will go on & on as they grow up. *4U

by mpo14011 11 Jun 2008

Well, you would have 4 daughters!Nice work,Give the girls a flower.

by minnieb 11 Jun 2008

4 daughters wow I have 1 and can't keep up ,how lucky you are

1 comment
jasanne by jasanne 12 Jun 2008

Twins twice - they keep me busy :)