getEdited - SELECT
by elizabethruth ( edited 05 Sep 2013 ) 05 Sep 2013

I just got a PM from a member who would like to be considered for the Miss Loretta Scholarship when my time is up. Think this is a good idea and would appreciate hearing from any of you who would like to be next. It's about time and I'd like a little while to read letters and think who has the best reason.

Another cutie just pointed out that there are some needy ladies here. That's what I'm really thinking about. Someone, LIKE ME, who simply doesn't have the money to buy a membership.


by sewist1 06 Sep 2013

I have never really known how the recipient is chosen. Is it the usual thing for people to ask for the award?

1 comment
elizabethruth by elizabethruth 07 Sep 2013

The only thing that I know is that the person who has it selects the next person. How do you decide which person? That was really bugging me and I've thought long and hard about it. So when that first letter came I thought it was a super idea. I have no other way to know who has a paid membership and who doesn't. And I would not want to pass this on to someone with a paid membership. Think the idea is to help the person.

by hsarah 06 Sep 2013

I sent you a PM. Thanks for listening.

by airyfairy 06 Sep 2013

This is a very personal thing and should be your decision. You will know who to choose when the time comes. Hugs Sarah.

by mad14kt 05 Sep 2013

I know that you can only choose one. So I pray that the others will get a surprised blessing from the Lord!!! There is NOTHING too hard for Him!!!. (COUNTLESS) ;D *2U

by cfidl 05 Sep 2013

That is the point of it, and I am sure you will make a good decision. Best wishes to all.

by elizabethruth 05 Sep 2013

02kar, I do believe that the "right thing" is going to kick me in the butt. I've gotten 3 letters and I want to give it to each of them! Got one letter to my MSN account from the only member that I really know, and she told me that this has been done before early on. I thought it would be so simple since I really don't know most of you except from reading your posts. HA!!! Was I wrong. I'm thinking I might print out the letters and show them to my pastor. Ask his advise. And can always ask Miss V. I might have bitten off more than I can chew. Pray for guidance for me. Thanks

by 02kar Moderator 05 Sep 2013

I am out, but I wanted to say that I think you are doing the right thing.

by camylow 05 Sep 2013

good luck in you choice...there are a lot of lovely cuties who would be great for it...Deanna (I am out also)

by lique 05 Sep 2013

I agree it would be nice if it went to somebody who needs it. So count me out!!

by pennifold 05 Sep 2013

Have sent you a PM, love Chris