by jobaby 26 May 2013

Copyright Question. Obviously one cannot use another person's design in her creation and send it to Cuties or anywhere else, but what about words? Say I want to put an original poem or saying into words; must I digitize all the letters or can I use a simple alphabet in my software?

This cutie does not have digitize software. Thanks for input.


by michele921 27 May 2013

you can use your software lettering, but you do have to watch the legals on the poems since some are copyright protected

1 comment
jobaby by jobaby 28 May 2013


by dennis999 27 May 2013

My personal view on this is that you have the right to use the alphabet in your software programme without any concerns. If you are proposing to create a personal 'saying' or 'poem' in your own words, that would also be acceptable. The question would only arise if you were to plagiarize the ideas, passages, etc., from another work or author.

1 comment
jobaby by jobaby 28 May 2013


by dollygk 27 May 2013

I would say that your software fonts would not be an infringement of copy wright laws but is the actual wording a problem? I'll have to check back for answers!!

1 comment
jobaby by jobaby 27 May 2013

Thanks. That is sorta what I thought. The wording would be my own or words from a parent such as "If it was easy, everybody would do it."

by marianb 26 May 2013

Good Question..I don't know... will watch for answers to..Marian