by moyed 11 May 2013

And this is my "pet" Tarantula on the shoulder of my shirt. Is it not a stunning creature??lol

hugs Helen


by buffy1 12 May 2013


by ansalu 12 May 2013

You have made an excellent design. If I stand near you I sure would try to push it away from your shoulder ;o)
Do you wear some kind of protection under your shirt? Just in case there are some people around you which wanna help you to get rid of your little pet ? *lol*
Greetings, Bettina

by arwens 12 May 2013

WOW GREAT job!!!!!!

by justonlyme 12 May 2013

Have you worn the shirt yet? I would love to see the reactions of those around you (imagining the person behind you in line at the grocery store) and what they say!! Love the idea!! What fun!!

by marianb 11 May 2013

Wow!!! that is fantastic where do you get this pattern's a must have for my son...

1 comment
moyed by moyed 12 May 2013

this is my own design.
hugs Helen

by sewilso 11 May 2013

Creepy beautiful, first time I've said that before. lol! Great design!!!

1 comment
moyed by moyed 12 May 2013

I like creepy beautiful. hugs Helen

by noah 11 May 2013

no hes not i hate spiders :(:( but for u hes cute lol hugs

1 comment
moyed by moyed 11 May 2013

LOL. I love spiders and hubby cant understand when I remove them from the house back to the garden if they stray to the loungeroom. He would stand on the chair, does the same if there is a mouse in the house.
hugs Helen

by oaro 11 May 2013

nice job

1 comment
moyed by moyed 12 May 2013

Thank you. hugs Helen

by muffy 11 May 2013

Oh my creeps me out just looking at it!!!!
Muffy :)

1 comment
moyed by moyed 11 May 2013

LOL. The best kind is an embroidered one.
hugs Helen

by highlandermom 11 May 2013

Beautiful design for those into furry spiders.

1 comment
moyed by moyed 11 May 2013

Thank you
hugs Helen

by ddouville 11 May 2013

Beautiful stitching but I too will pass on the design - I would forget it was on the shirt and freak out seeing it in the drawer!!

1 comment
moyed by moyed 11 May 2013

Our house spiders are not that big, My hubby is scared of spiders except for this one.
hugs Helen

by sadp 11 May 2013

Excellent work!

1 comment
moyed by moyed 11 May 2013

Thank you.
hugs Helen

by rescuer Moderator 11 May 2013

You have done excellent work!
You are brave to wear this! If I tried, too many would try to knock it off my shoulder -- I would end up very sore and bruised. LOL

moyed by moyed 11 May 2013

LOL, I have had a few comments so far when I wear my shirt.
hugs Helen

ansalu by ansalu 12 May 2013

That was my first thought too: I would try to push it away to keep you save ;o) Your poor shoulder after one day in this shirt... *lol*
Great job but nothing for my wardrobe :o)

by pldc 11 May 2013

I do agree with Christine about the scarey & the conversation starter but I think I will leave it to you to enjoy wearing shudder shudder ;) hugs Loralye

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moyed by moyed 11 May 2013

Thanks Loralye. I love spiders..hugs Helen

by cfidl 11 May 2013

how scary! Ooh I bet you will get a bit of conversation wearing this shirt! excellent stitching and placement! I gotta try this!

1 comment
moyed by moyed 11 May 2013

Thank you, first of many I am stitching.
hugs Helen

by baydreamer 11 May 2013

Nice idea, great job

1 comment
moyed by moyed 11 May 2013

Thank you.
Hugs Helen

by rsloan 11 May 2013

May 11, 2013 -- Wow!!! I think that's the only kind of pet turantula I would want (lol).

1 comment
moyed by moyed 11 May 2013

Have a bigger one on a cushion in the lounge...