by mommadooks 29 Jan 2013

I am looking for someone to digitize a pair of earrings for me. My daughter has ask for a pair that are peace signs. I cant find any, hope someone can help me.



by noah 29 Jan 2013

wow u got Yorikos pair way to go hugs

by manami 29 Jan 2013

Hi Iva,
Does this work for you? If so, PM me with your email address.
I still have to test stitch.
Hugs, Yoriko

mommadooks by mommadooks 30 Jan 2013

Yes thats what i mean. Now trying to figure out how to do a PM. LOL

mommadooks by mommadooks 30 Jan 2013

I am not a paid member right now maybe that is why. Just cant afford it. Iva

mommadooks by mommadooks 30 Jan 2013

Hi, sent you a message on your web site. Thank you for your help. Iva

bevintex by bevintex 30 Jan 2013

anyone can send a pm,use the inbox at the top of your page.You don't have to be a member. And if you get a pm you will see a number in red up by the inbox

by bowlds 29 Jan 2013

Designs by Sick has peace sign earrings.

mommadooks by mommadooks 29 Jan 2013

Thank you, that isnt what I am looking for. Remember the ring with the sort of Y in it, that was the peace sign simbel. Iva

bevintex by bevintex 30 Jan 2013

You didn't scroll down far enough. it's near the bottom