by michemb 15 Jan 2013

PROTECT YOUR THREADS FROM DUST, my tip of the day. You all remember the terrific thread rack DH made me, well I have been trying to find a pratical way to keep the dust away because it is a very open and large rack.

Well my niece (a new mom) was over visiting and we were taking about my many thread bobbins and she suggested this genious idea. I have taken Playtex baby bottle drop-in liners and covered my thread bobbins, they fit great on most bobbins (I have maderia, super Punch and metro threads. On the metro bobbins that are larger, I simply cut a small slit in the side of the liner and they slide over beautifully. I bought packages of 100 liners for $10.00 and I am so pleased. Thread is such a huge investment, better to protect them. This way they are protected and I can still see all my colors at a glance and they are easily accessible.
Hope this can be helpful.


by annie23 07 Jan 2014

Love this idea but not sure if available in Australia

1 comment
michemb by michemb 07 Jan 2014

Check out your local drugstore, they must have disposal bottle liners, it is Worth a look because it works great

by teddybear117 05 Jan 2014

Terrific idea and I loved reading all the comments. I can't recall any post with so much humor in it. I made a cover out of quilted material to protect the small stash I have that didn't fit in boxes (a 10 spool stand) and for my serger. Couldn't think of a way to protect a large quantity of spools or cones. Thanks for sharing.

by christracey 04 Jan 2014

I haven't seen these bottle bag thingy for years....I used to have an American neighbour who used them. I don't think I've ever seen them here in Australia though. Thank for the tip anyway...

by patt1 04 Jan 2014

She's a keeper, what a genius!!! Thank you for have an AWESOME thread collection by the way!

by eyeztodiefor10 04 Jan 2014

What an awesome idea! tell your niece she's brilliant!

by toogie 04 Jan 2014

Smart idea,is your niece crafty?

michemb by michemb 04 Jan 2014

Not one little bit but she throws away alot of these

sewilso by sewilso 04 Jan 2014

One would think after seeing your beautiful creations, she would want to do the same. I would watch you like a hawk to learn all the neat things you do. lol!

michemb by michemb 05 Jan 2014

ah such I am blushing LOL

by pldc 04 Jan 2014


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michemb by michemb 04 Jan 2014

Works great and saves our precious threads

by marianb 04 Jan 2014

jan,2014.. this is a great idea for the larger 5000mt cones will have to think about the 1000mt cones, but thank your neice for us

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michemb by michemb 04 Jan 2014

I buy both sizes, small and large and use them everywhere

by michemb 04 Jan 2014

Good morning cuties,
I was going through some of my older post and came across this one, thought I would bring it to the top for all or our newer cuties. I love using these and wanted to share how great using these turned out to be. Interesting to see if any of the other cuties went out and bought them.

cfidl by cfidl 04 Jan 2014

I have not yet, however I want to. My thread is getting dustier. Thanks

crafter2243 by crafter2243 04 Jan 2014

I have bought them and find it very handy. The moment they fit over the cones (Metro Thread) I use them.

michemb by michemb 04 Jan 2014

Just cut a tiny slit in the side of the bag and they will fit snugly at first and loosen up as you use the thread.

by mad14kt 02 Jun 2013


by roberta 02 Jun 2013

What a great idea! Thanks so much! My house is very dusty where we live and I haven't dusted my threads which are on a thread rack on the wall. I dust when I use the thread but it is not good for them to be covered in dust. I am going to Wal Mart this week and get some. I have my larger cones in the cabinet but the smaller ones on the rack for that's t he only place I can place them. Again thanks for sharing such a great idea! Roberta

by virginiagran 02 Jun 2013

What a great idea.

by bagelgirl 02 Jun 2013

thank you for sharing your idea
i love using the bottle liners

by BabyAbyss 24 Jan 2013

i designed a thread holder just like yours which my brother then built for me. ive been thinking about the same thing, protecting them from dust. this is a great idea, i just hope they sell these items in the uk

by pldc 24 Jan 2013

what a fantastic idea! will have to get some of these too thanks sew much for the tip Michelle, Hugs Loralye

by shirlener88 24 Jan 2013

Michelle, how clever is that? I might have to invest in some of those myself.

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michemb by michemb 24 Jan 2013

I have been using them for about a week and it works great,

by askmcv 24 Jan 2013

Fantastic idea, Michelle!

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michemb by michemb 24 Jan 2013

Thanks Claire,
Works like a charm

by eggyannie 24 Jan 2013

you could also use cut down soda bottles in those counties that do not sell this item.
annie in the uk

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michemb by michemb 24 Jan 2013

Your right, the nice thing about these is they only take up the size of the bobbin so you don't loose any extra space

by keeponsewing 24 Jan 2013

This is a genius idea.

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michemb by michemb 24 Jan 2013

Thanks, try it I am sure you will like it

by kezza2sew 23 Jan 2013

so tell me friends what is the equivalent to buy this in Australia. this certainly bought some excitement to the group....very interesting.

mranderson by mranderson 24 Jan 2013

From another Ozzie......obviously condoms is the answer, heeheehee. Coloured, glow in the dark etc etc. Marg

michemb by michemb 24 Jan 2013

Now Marg, you are going to get some really strange looks if you wonder into the pharmacie and ask for lets say 200 condoms, try explaining that one LOL
I am sure these bottle liners are available in your neck of the woods

pldc by pldc 24 Jan 2013


kazza by kazza edited 02 Jun 2013

So Marg did you go to the chemist and buy the condoms for your threads? My daughter works at Walmart in the USA so next time she comes home (Aussie) I know what I will get her to bring for me!

carolpountney by carolpountney 04 Jan 2014

he he he I cant stop laughing this is sooo funny, but originally a great idea I have been using plastic tabling which I cut to size and fasten close with a spot of pritt

eyeztodiefor10 by eyeztodiefor10 04 Jan 2014

I'll bet the condoms would be difficult to put on the spools but I'd pay good money to watch you try to do ALL of your spools! We'll make a video and make a fortune! lol

sewilso by sewilso 04 Jan 2014

Condoms would be much higher in price. Don't ask me how I know. hahaha!!! I work in a pharmacy.

kezza2sew by kezza2sew 07 Jan 2014

All too funny

by 1ladyb 23 Jan 2013

I have 4 of the 60 count racks on the wall and I cover them with a flour sack tea towel till I'm stitching. The rest of my thread is in stackable drawers. This is a great idea but I just have too many spools. Also have some of the really big fat spools that this wouldn't work. You are very clever to have thought of this. I love all the tips on this site.

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michemb by michemb 24 Jan 2013

I am using these on the 5000yd spools and they are fine, some bobbins I have to cut a tiny slit in the side of the bag put it works,

by gerryb 23 Jan 2013

My daughter used those. But for some reason I would rinse them out before I threw them away! I guess if you rinsed them well enough you could reuse them instead of throwing them out! Great idea.

1ladyb by 1ladyb 23 Jan 2013

Turn them inside out after rinsing then they will be ok. You would probably want to buy new ones.

michemb by michemb 24 Jan 2013

Great idea, recycle is even better

by marjialexa Moderator 23 Jan 2013

This is really a cool idea, thanks so much for sharing it!! Now there'll be a run on nursing bottle fillers by grandmas, and all those stores are just going to begin to wonder, hee hee hee. Hugs, Marji

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michemb by michemb 24 Jan 2013

Some will wonder I am sure LOL

by grossfamilie 20 Jan 2013

A good dust "fighter" and a clever idea - I like to use items for other purpose than their original meaning

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michemb by michemb 20 Jan 2013

Me too,

by phi4 20 Jan 2013

great idea, thanks for sharing with us.

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michemb by michemb 20 Jan 2013

My pleasure, yesterday finished doing all my bobbins and they look great, very efficient way of storage them

by cfidl 20 Jan 2013

Excellent idea. I throw a piece of muslin over my racks it is not perfect, however it helps!

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michemb by michemb 20 Jan 2013

I use my threads constantly so did not want to go with than option and they are mounted behind my work table which would make that a stretching experience eveytime.

by rsloan 17 Jan 2013

Fabulous! What a clever idea and your thread rack is a dream.

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michemb by michemb 20 Jan 2013

thanks and yes I do have a nice rack

by claudenicolas 17 Jan 2013

It seems very ingenious- But I do not understand what is this "playtex thing" do we have that in France ? It seems to be something cheap, where is it sold?

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michemb by michemb 17 Jan 2013

Bonjour Claude,
Les Playtex son des sacs jetable (drop-Ins) pour les biberons. Cela doit surement se vendre en France, voir le département bébé à la pharmacie ou gros magasin (style Walmart chez nous).

by pinon 17 Jan 2013

Ingenious! Guess I know what I'll be stocking up on the next trip to Walmart...

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michemb by michemb 17 Jan 2013

Be sure to get the right size - large 8-10 oz for the big bobbins and 4oz for the little ones.

by shirley124 17 Jan 2013

Wonderful idea. Thanks for sharing.

1 comment
michemb by michemb 17 Jan 2013

Your more than welcome

by elizabethruth 16 Jan 2013

Outstanding. And just think of the fun my grandmother will have buying the liners. She's 71. I can see it now. Fun, fun, fun.

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michemb by michemb 17 Jan 2013

lol better the bottle liners than condoms ha, ha

by bmupton 16 Jan 2013

terrific should submit to that website that gives you free designs or something....can't remember who it is though...maybe someone will tell it Embroidery Library????

michemb by michemb 17 Jan 2013

never thought of that, maybe I will, could always use more embroidery designs lol

bevintex by bevintex 17 Jan 2013

emblibrary no longer has a tip of the day

dididwiar by dididwiar 24 Jan 2013

Try designs by Sick

by jerrib 16 Jan 2013

Awesome idea, thank you for sharing

1 comment
michemb by michemb 17 Jan 2013

Your welcome Jerry

by catsnhorses 16 Jan 2013

What a super idea! I haven't had DH make me a wall rack since I was concerned about dust ruining the threads. This is ingenious. hehehehe... another 'Honey Do' job for his list. Thanks so much for sharing!

*s 4 all.... wish I could give you 2 this is such a super tip!
Marion in iced-in Kentucky

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michemb by michemb 17 Jan 2013

Well put him on that job asap lol, I love my rack (sewing LOL) and anyone who comes into my sewing room just goes "WOW" that is alot of thread.

by clawton 16 Jan 2013

Great idea.

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michemb by michemb 17 Jan 2013


by pennyhal 16 Jan 2013

Fantastic idea! Thanks for sharing! Now, how did you take care of the light problem?

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michemb by michemb 16 Jan 2013

only get direct sunlight later in the afternoon, so I simply draw my curtain to prevent the sun shinning in.

by momhome 16 Jan 2013

What a great idea. Thanks for sharing you tip with us. I would love to have just half of your thread. :)

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michemb by michemb 16 Jan 2013

My pleasure,
Oh I know I am very lucky, I also have 100 or so sulky threads small bobbins in a storage case. Don't use sulky as much as the other types.

by justsew 16 Jan 2013

Great idea, It will stop the thread from coming off the cone too, I HOPE,
hugs Pam

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michemb by michemb 16 Jan 2013

Yep it does that to, I used to wrap an elastic around my bobbin to stop the thread but know I wind my thread towards the top before placing the plastic sleeve and it holds.

by airyfairy 16 Jan 2013

This is a great idea. Because of the dust and light I keep all my threads on racks in a cupboard. Sarah.

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michemb by michemb 16 Jan 2013

I had figured out the light problem and now this will do the rest.

by greysewist Moderator 15 Jan 2013

I have a big sheet of plastic hanging over my thread rack from above the top one, but this looks nicer :)

michemb by michemb 16 Jan 2013

I thought of the plastic sheet but decided against it because I would spend most of my day stuck under the plastic and with my hot flashes I would be crazy LOL

catsnhorses by catsnhorses 16 Jan 2013

LOL! I think we can all identify with the flashes while under the plastic!! :) :) :)

by dilceia 15 Jan 2013

great idea!

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michemb by michemb 16 Jan 2013

Thanks dear Dilceia,
Nice to see you

by mysew1325 15 Jan 2013

great idea. I have taken all my thread off the racks and put them in bins.. because of the dust problem.. of course I do not have that much thread..

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michemb by michemb 16 Jan 2013

I don't like having them tucked away, I am often preparing my colors as I stitich. I arrange my colors all together for quick comparison and to save time so this is ideal for me.

by oaro 15 Jan 2013

what a clever idea

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michemb by michemb 16 Jan 2013

Neat way to proctect the ones we love LOL

by capoodle 15 Jan 2013

The ones I have left over from my kids were flat and I could fold the tops down and freeze extra breast milk. Been using what was left to package up smaller crafts.

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michemb by michemb 16 Jan 2013

If they are big enough, they would work. I like these because they have the same shape as the cone.

by rsehorse 15 Jan 2013

This is a fantastic idea. Very smart thinking. Hugs, Susan

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michemb by michemb 16 Jan 2013

Not my thinking, I just executed the idea but it works great

by drro 15 Jan 2013

Great idea!! Thanks for sharing!!

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michemb by michemb 16 Jan 2013

My pleasure

by noah 15 Jan 2013

I was thinking of putting up a curtain so dust or Mr.Peeko can't see them lol

by noah 15 Jan 2013

great idea i was thinking of putting up a curtain so dust and Mr.Peeko can';t get to my thread lol

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michemb by michemb 16 Jan 2013

I had considered the curtain however not so pratical because I am constantly reaching for threads (as I am sure you are as well) and this way my colors are always visible. Peeko, well as long as he doesn't like plastic you should be o.k lol

by grandmamek 15 Jan 2013

Wow! What a fantastic idea. I will have to go buy some!! Hugs, Mary

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michemb by michemb 16 Jan 2013

Some times simply things are the best solutions

by pennifold 15 Jan 2013

What a ripper idea Michelle!!

Never heard of them and I too thought they were condoms! Excuse me for being naive, but what is the purpose of putting a plastic bag inside of a plastic drinking bottle?

Otherwise, they fit the large cones perfectly. Love and blessings Chris

lilylady by lilylady 15 Jan 2013

the holders are not plastic bottles, they are plastic holders with out a bottom. You put liner in holder and nipple over to hold liner in place. Very easy on the new moms

capoodle by capoodle 15 Jan 2013

The plastic bag collapses as the baby sucks out the milk eliminating the baby from getting extra air in their tummy's.

capoodle by capoodle 15 Jan 2013

I expressed out extra milk and when I needed to be away my husband could get a bag out of the freezer and be able to feed our little ones.

pennifold by pennifold 15 Jan 2013

Oh! I just used to express straight into a baby's bottle with no need of another piece of plastic! Thanks for the info Anita and Lily. Love Chris

michemb by michemb 16 Jan 2013

LOL as I was slipping them on, I too thought of condoms.

by danababes 15 Jan 2013

Oh my goodness ... I saw the pic on the home page and thought they were condoms so had to come & see lol. I've never seen these things here (Oz) - are they for baby bottles/feeding? Looks like they'd be great for overlocker cones too. :) xXx

rsehorse by rsehorse 15 Jan 2013

I am laughing so hard right now, I am crying. Too, too funny. Susan

toet by toet 15 Jan 2013

Comdoms could work,I can see all the cuties lineing up to buy a range of sizes. cheers

michemb by michemb 16 Jan 2013

With the varities availble today, you could have a rainbow of colors to match your threads LOL, Some might even glow in the dark.

danababes by danababes 16 Jan 2013

lmao .. glow in the dark thread covers hahaha
toet: imagine the Chemist's face when you buy that many super large condoms at a time hehehe

marjialexa by marjialexa 23 Jan 2013

Ok, I sure wasn't going to start it, but as long as y'all did, I'll join in, hee hee hee. I thought they were condoms too, I didn't realise you were showing the large cones. Or else I wondered where you got such huge condoms. Thank heavens I wasn't the only one, hee hee hee. I wouldn't, because I already have "protection", hee hee hee, but can you imagine the 65 year old grandma purchasing a couple dozen boxes of condoms? Laughing my butt off, really. And I'd pick a very young male checkout clerk, too, purposly, and then give him a big big grin, hee hee hee. What a hoot!!!!

kezza2sew by kezza2sew 23 Jan 2013

Oh my!!!! Laughing so hard....I think michemb knows way too much about condoms if you ask me...what glow in the dark? yep I also thought it looked like a condom for threds....gotta love this site...good to have a laugh every now and then...

by crafter2243 Moderator 15 Jan 2013

Super idea. Thank you for sharing

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michemb by michemb 16 Jan 2013

My pleasure

by sewdeb 15 Jan 2013

Brilliant idea! Thanks! * for all

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michemb by michemb 16 Jan 2013

Not a problem,

by sandralochran 15 Jan 2013

What a great ideal

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michemb by michemb 16 Jan 2013


by aussiequilter 15 Jan 2013

what a fantastic idea,thanks

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michemb by michemb 16 Jan 2013

Happy to share.

by blueeyedblonde 15 Jan 2013

great idea and easy to get them!

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michemb by michemb 16 Jan 2013

Yep and not too expensive so even if you have to change them after a while it is cost effective,

by michemb 15 Jan 2013

Boy I also forgot to mention that there are two sizes of liners, for the larger bobbins you will need 8 - 10 oz. liners.

lilylady by lilylady 15 Jan 2013

the smaller ones should fit over the 1000 yd ones from metro?

michemb by michemb 16 Jan 2013

Yes the smaller 4oz. size ones fit great on the smaller cones.

by dee 15 Jan 2013

What a great idea. Thanks for sharing

1 comment
michemb by michemb 16 Jan 2013

Your very welcome

by michemb 15 Jan 2013

forgot to mention that I had tried the baggies solution but it was bothersome because the bags were too big. These fit like a glove.