by olly 19 Jun 2012

I am feeling a lot better this morning. There seems to be a light at the end of the tunnel. My dad is receiving much better care where he is now. The young lass taking care of him is much better than the lot he had before. His backbrace has arrived, but has not been fitted because he is to remain immobile for a while longer. He is still in incredible pain and is not completely out of the woods, BUT the good news is that his head wound seems to be healing really well. He did not get an infection in the brain, which was a huge worry.Because he is able to elevate the bed to the degree that he feels is comfortable, he is not just confined to lying on his right side. Last night he was able to lift his head up enough to eat - mostly unaided. He still has a long way to go, but it appears as if his life is no longer under threat. Thank you all for your support and prayers. Please continue to pray for further recovery. Thank you all from my whole family.


by babie 20 Jun 2012

So happy for you - for the good news. It is still a long road ahead and I am glad that you are so positive it surely helps. Will keep on praying for you all.

1 comment
olly by olly 20 Jun 2012

Thank you for your comments and prayers, God Bless you

by drro 20 Jun 2012

Dear Olly, Thank you for sharing this good news! I will keep my prayers continuous for you! God Bless all of your family and give you all good health and strength to help your dad during his recovery and rehab days ahead:>) Hugs ore'the fiber optics! ro

1 comment
olly by olly 20 Jun 2012

Thank you so much. I am sure that prayer is what has kept him alive after such a horrible injury.

by jrob Moderator 19 Jun 2012

What a wonderful report. Thank you for sharing and I will continue to pray for his recovery and lessening of pain. Here in the southern U.S. we say, "Bless his heart."

1 comment
olly by olly 20 Jun 2012

And Bless your heart too for your concern and prayers.

by cfidl 19 Jun 2012

What a miracle! Thank God he is better. Blessings to you and yours.

1 comment
olly by olly 20 Jun 2012

Thank you. He is not on his feet yet and we do not know what the outcome will be of his back injury, but we are so grateful that the brain did not contract infection. He is still immobile. Thanks for believing in miracles and prayer.

by shirlener88 19 Jun 2012

Another prayer answered.

1 comment
olly by olly 20 Jun 2012

Thank you Shirlene. We continue to pray for you and Rick.

by capoodle 19 Jun 2012

His improvements are very encouraging to hear. Praying for continued improvements.

1 comment
olly by olly 20 Jun 2012

Thank you for your continued prayer. It means a lot to me and my family. My mother is very touched by the concern, love and prayer offered up by "strangers". She does not realise that "cuties" are my family too.