Store them??? Use them!!! I have three machines that set out all the time. Embroidery, sewing and serger.
I'm sad to say that I don't have this problem. I only have one sewing machine that has to do double-duty as embroidery machine also. Wish I could afford another so I could be more time efficient. Being able to sew on one while embroidering on another would be such a dream. Maybe someday, but not anytime soon....
You are so lucky!
I wish I was back then, with one. I am sure I got much more done. Even with 5 kids.
This embroidery is complicating things LOL..
The embroidery machine stays out which I made a cover for it. The serger stays in the sewing cabinet. And the sewing machine I put it in a soft cover carrying case. Which is next to the sewing cabinet. And when I want to use it I use the top of that cabiet to sew on. I know you will come up with your own ideas. Good luck.
My plans and ideas are getting squashed. And the quilting requires more table top space. Cutting, spreading out batting and so I find I am crowding myself into a mess and chaos...
I have the same problem and I have the answer (build a bigger sewing room). Just one problem with that, where do I get the money so I'll be anxious to read any ideas you get from this.
I am already expanding/invading into the whole living area . I have Knitting machines also. and they come with alot of extras and yarn etc.....