by hyfibutt 07 Nov 2011

One thing I really appreciate is when I put a design or set up for free, all the emails I get with a simple thanks. I also appreciate on the order form when someone writes a note or a thank you. I try to do that also when I make a purchase.

I just want you all to know that I do read all the notes you add in the order form and I want to thank you for all the kind words!



by mranderson 07 Nov 2011

Hi Lisa. Could you please tell us they name of your site so we can go and have a look at your designs. Although I have farrrrrrrrrrr more designs than one person needs in a lifetime I still like to look. Hugs Marg

1 comment
hyfibutt by hyfibutt 08 Nov 2011

Hi Marg,

I am at

by susiesembroidery 07 Nov 2011

Just to say thank you again for the lovely designs. They embroider beautifully and I love them.***