by honeychyle 29 Sep 2011

I feel like my world has fallen apart, AGAIN! My daughter is in the hospital again, this time it's even more serious than the two times before. She woke up last Sun. morning feeling bad, nauseous, and bad belly pain. Mon. morning she was bleeding heavily from her rectum. The ER Dr. called a surgeon and they rushed her into surgery. Diagnosed as Diverticulitis. A pouch had formed on the side of her colon and ruptured, dumping all the waste and blood into her stomach cavity. It took three surgeons over five hours to clean her out. Her colon and the majority of her intestines have been removed, she has a colostomy bag attached to her side now, and will have to live with it for the rest of her life. She is in ICU and on a respirator, but they are supposed to start weaning her off it today. If you have any extra prayers please send them this way. Thank you all, my dear friends. Judy


by patsy28 04 Oct 2011

Praying for healing and strength to deal with the process. Glad you are back!

by grossfamilie 04 Oct 2011

Yes - thinking of you and your dear daugther and praying
for the both of you. You are not alone! Love and hugs Maria

by amazinggrace 04 Oct 2011

Sending you both love and prayers.

by kalinelson 03 Oct 2011

My heart goes out to you, what a rough time for you all.....I will be praying for your daughter and you....may God give your daughter the strength and stamina she will need for each day and may He help her to accept her life as it will now be....Gods blessing to you and your daughter.

by poletticel 03 Oct 2011

Stay in hope for her, and i will pray for you and your daughter. Hugs from France, CĂ©line

by darmoola 03 Oct 2011

My thoughts & prayers are for a speedy recovery!

by lflanders 03 Oct 2011

Honeychile, My thoughts and prayers go out to your daughter and the whole family. I just read Meganne's message and I think it covers everything that most of us could tell you! It is going to be hard at first but with the help of her family , friends and the Lord, she can live a happy and near normal life. I do hope this fixes the problem so she does not have to go through any more surgery and can start the healing process! May God bless all of you! Linda

by lbrow 03 Oct 2011

God bless you Honeychile of course you both are in my prayers /Lillian

by kyates27 03 Oct 2011

I have a 28 year old cousin with some of the same problems. She has a decease that causes a lot of trouble. Since she was 13 years old she has had numerous operations, They have removed her entire large intestine, most of her small, one of her ovary's and more. Well she got pregnant (which was a miracle) 2 years ago on Dec 10th, they did a c-section on her, The baby was in perfect health, But while they were in there the general surgeon wanted to check everything. During that time he unknowingly nicked something. 3 days later she became septic. It has been almost 2 years and she has been in the hospital the entire time and had to have a lot more surgery's. She has almost left us several times.....The reason I tell you this is because I want you to see how much God can bless. Emily has defied the odds and it still with us. I know God can and will bless your daughter through this. I will be praying for her, you and your family. I know it will be hard on your daughter at first knowing she will have to live with this for the rest of her life. But with Gods help she can do it!

kyates27 by kyates27 03 Oct 2011


justonlyme by justonlyme 05 Oct 2011

Wow. That is terrible. How could she possibly afford to stay in the hospital that long? Here, we wouldn't have anything left. We would have lost everything, house included. I sure hope that I never have to deal with something like that. That is terrible...but good at the same time if she is still hanging in there. You would think that they would get this figured out for her!!!

justonlyme by justonlyme 05 Oct 2011

terrible...but good at the same time if she is still hanging in there. You would think that they would get this figured out for her!!! Best wishes to you and your family.

by mary51 03 Oct 2011

may the Lord gives you and your daughter strength to go out of this difficult situation soon, I like wht Meganne's post be positive, the power of healing be with all of you.

by theduchess 03 Oct 2011

I will pray for you and your daughter.Stella

by cutegirl 03 Oct 2011

My prayer is with you and your daughther.

by loosie 03 Oct 2011

My thoughts and prayers are with you. Love Lucy

by anangel 03 Oct 2011

I hope Meganne's post gives you a better perspective on your daughter's situation. I had a neighbor who had a colostomy bag for many years with no difficulties and most never knew she had one. It is good that the problem with her colon was finally diagnosed and has had the surgery to correct it. May the Lord help her heal quickly and resume her life more comfortably. May He ease your mind that all will be well again in time.

by twee 03 Oct 2011

Hugs and prayers. She will need her family to help her through a difficult recovery. Prayers for you too.

by kttyhwk4 02 Oct 2011

So sorry to hear your news. Will be praying for the both of you. Hugs

by justonlyme 30 Sep 2011

I am so very sorry to hear that your family has been so afflicted with health issues. Do YOU trust the hospital she is currently at, and the doctors who are caring for her? Do you know that you can have her moved if you are doubtful of her care? I sure hope that is not the case. (Some of these small town hospitals are just not equipped is why I ask.) It sounds like she has had one battle on top of another. She must be one strong lady!!
Having a colostomy (or any type of bag) isn't so bad. It takes a little getting used to, but then it is just going to be a part of her, like it is normal and belongs there. I know. I've had bags of one type or another off and on my entire adult life.
Just a question to there ANY way that she might be suffering from the listeria that came from recalled cantaloupe in your area??
I wish you and your family the very best. Extra prayers are headed your way! Stay strong!!

by almag 30 Sep 2011

Dear Judy - Big Aussie Hugs and prayers for both of you are wending your way. I am so sorry to hear of this new development and I do hope that your daughter adjusts completely and swiftly to her new way of life.
Hang in there, Judy, be strong. The sun will shine again for you.

Much love - AlmaG.

by babie 30 Sep 2011

You have all my thoughts and I will pray for you and your daughter.

by airyfairy 30 Sep 2011

Dear Judy - I am so terribly sorry to read your post. If it helps, I have a dear friend who has a 'bag' and she leads a very normal life. What really matters is to get your daughter well. My love and thoughts are with you at this time. Try and be strong. Hugs Sarah.

by fannyfurkin 29 Sep 2011

Dear Judy, you have my prayers. I think Meg said it all so I will leave it at that.
Hugs Alice.

by nanniesara 29 Sep 2011

Prayers for your daughter, I know God can work miracles, just keep up the prayers, and thinking positive. I pray that she will be better soon. I will keep her and you in my prayers. God loves you and so do your friends her on cute. Sara

by juanitadenney 29 Sep 2011

So sorry to hear about your daughter, prayers are being sent your way.

by meganne 29 Sep 2011

Dear Judy, you absolutely have my prayers for your daughter.

I feel it would be remiss of me not to tell you that having a colostomy bag is not as bad as it sounds.
DH had Crohn's Colitis Disease, which would have become cancer so he had a colostomy bag for 3 years after having surgery to remove his bowel and most of his large intestine.
He finally had the surgery to create a J-pouch, then the bag was removed. BIG MISTAKE!

He now says if he had known how bad things would be without the bag he would NEVER have had it removed.

My God Daughter was born with Spina Bifida and she has lived with drainage bags for bladder and bowel since she was 7 years old. She is now 45 and lives a normal life with her beautiful 21 year old daughter. She is one of the lucky ones.
She has always said she takes her luggage with her everywhere and only her closest friends and family are in the know as to what she is referring.

The reason I am telling you all this is to give you a positive perspective so you can help your daughter cope with it when the time comes because in the early days it may not be easy for her to accept and she may need all the encouragement and positive reinforcement you can give her.

There are thousands of people using drainage bags permanently and there are many more who need temporary colostomy bags in between surgeries like Ray had. There are also a lot of support groups to give help and advice when needed.

I will prayer for your daughter's return to good health now that the major problem has been removed, and also for her emotional well being.

Hugs and blessings, Meganne

1 comment
granniebea by granniebea 03 Oct 2011

I had no idea what a J puch was. So I googled it and found this site. I don't know if will be of any help to everyone, but it may be worth a look.

by gerryb 29 Sep 2011

I am so sorry. Of course there's always room for one more prayer request! Will be remembering you and your daughter!!!

by katydid 29 Sep 2011

I am so sorry to hear. I ,too have had a ordeal with diverticulitis. Nothing to the extent that your daughter has had. I was fortunate not to have surgery. The scary thing is the meds you are given wipes out your immune system and I have not recovered in more than two years. Do not let any one visit her with anything contagious. It could her back. i could not even go to the grocery store for more than a year without getting sick. please keep up us posted as we really care. Kay

by pennifold 29 Sep 2011

Dear Judy, My heart goes out to you and your beloved daughter. Thank God for our wonderful doctors and nurses. May God's hand be upon her and heal all her medical issues. God is in control. I ask this in the precious name of Jesus our wonderful Counsellor and Healer. Love and blessings Chris

Sending an Angel through Cyberspace.

by sukicorky 29 Sep 2011

Wishing your daughter a speedy recovery. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Please keep us up to date on her condition, and take care of yourself. Hugsand blessings, Rachel

by bonnetgirl 29 Sep 2011

Oh Judy my prayers are with you and your daughter. It is so hard to watch our children no matter how old they are suffer. God bless you both.

by kt55 29 Sep 2011

Prayers for your family from ours.

by drro 29 Sep 2011

You both are in my prayers!! God bless and keep you through all of this!!

by rwalden 29 Sep 2011

So sorry to hear this. I pray she has a speedy recovery.

by tgiff76 29 Sep 2011

My prayers are for your daughter and all her family.

by leenova54 29 Sep 2011

Wow Judy, that is really scary. I feel for you and her and hope she has an easy recovery. I know this weighs heavily on you, nothing like a Mother's love. Best wishes and prayers going out to you and her!

by scrappinhappie 29 Sep 2011

My prayers for you and your family, please keep us updated on her.

by loosie 29 Sep 2011

My prayers are with you and your daughter.

by dilceia 29 Sep 2011

God is watching over her.
It trusts HIM .

by shirlener88 29 Sep 2011

Judy, so sorry to hear of your disstress and how worried you are and must be over your daughter and her condition. I will be praying for the two of you and the hospital staff as well.

by grandmamek 29 Sep 2011

My prayers for you and your daughter. I pray that she will soon be on the road to recovery. Hugs, Mary

by noah 29 Sep 2011

oh so sorry to hear this i will pray for sure !!!carolyn

by crafter2243 Moderator 29 Sep 2011

Oh Judy I am so sorry to read all this. Of course I will add her to my prayers and you as well

1 comment
crafter2243 by crafter2243 29 Sep 2011

Sorry. Message wasn't there and I thought I had forgotten to hit the submit button. Happened before. And now both showed up.

by crafter2243 Moderator 29 Sep 2011

Not sure what to say except I am so sorry that this is happening to her. Of course I will add her to my prayers and you too.

by mysew1325 29 Sep 2011

oh my god ,, I am so sorry to hear this.. she is in my prayers and thoughts.. prayers are going out as I type..

by muzicdiva777 29 Sep 2011

I will be praying for her, and for you, because I know as a mom how heartwrenching it is to see our daughters hurting and feel helpless to make things better.

by gerryvb 29 Sep 2011

oh dear, so sorry to read all this, Prayers for your daughter and for you are coming our way, together with a big hug.

by jofrog2000 29 Sep 2011

My prayers are added to all those going up.

by sqdancer 29 Sep 2011

You and yours are in my thoughts and prayers Judy...hugs x0x0x0

by snowbird42 29 Sep 2011


by devon 29 Sep 2011

Sorry to hear this. My prayers and hugs are with you both. DeVon

by bokkieborduur 29 Sep 2011

Praers for both of you. Marie

by emily16838 29 Sep 2011

Prayer are coming ...for you both

by capoodle 29 Sep 2011

Prays for your daughter. My best to you - this is a lot to deal with. Hugs.

by bumblebee 29 Sep 2011

My heart goes out to you and your family. I will
pray for you.
aka bumblebee

by poohbear 29 Sep 2011

Prayers coming your way. I'm so glad there were Doctors there that knew how to help her. My father had to wear a bag for years, and yes it was annoying but he was able to go back to doing almost everything he did before his surgery. I hope she is feeling better and back home very soon

by susiesembroidery 29 Sep 2011

Dear Judy and Family, May the God of wonders and grace heal her completely, and assist the docters with skills to help her lead a normal life. A colostomy bag is not yet the worst thing, and therefore we thank the Lord for His mercy in giving medical people the insight to assist her in this way.May God give you al courage during this trying time. My prayers are going up for her and you as well Love and best wishes. Please let us know how she is doing. God bless you all. ****

by debswebster 29 Sep 2011

So sorry to hear that you and your daughter are still going through such a rough time. Please look after yourself and trust that all will be well again. My prayers are with you and your family. Hugs

by joanne8125 29 Sep 2011

Prayers are certainly coming your way for both you and your daughter. Your daughter is a strong lady and is in God's hands and he will make her well. God is watching over her.

by basketkase 29 Sep 2011

Prayers being sent......listen to Linda...she is a wonderful example of God's miracles!!

lindalee757 by lindalee757 29 Sep 2011

I consider my amazing Dr's and surgeon at Fletcher Allen Medical Center in Burlington VT. God's miracles-without their knowledge, skills & attention to professionalism-my results may not have been so good. I absolutely LOVE my Dr.and can't say enough good about the FAHC doctors.

lindalee757 by lindalee757 29 Sep 2011

GRRRRR-cont.-good about the FAHC medical teams.

by cj2sew 29 Sep 2011

Extra prayers are always a good thing. I pray for you to be strong. I pray for her doctors to have a healing touch. I pray for her to know that the Lord is on her side and that he loves her. I pray that you will receive the comfort and assurances that you need. God bless you.

by janetedna 29 Sep 2011

God bless

by sewdoctor 29 Sep 2011

Prayers leaving my mouth, and heart.....hugs for you!

by melnic 29 Sep 2011

Hi Judy, thinking of you & praying for you and your daughter.

by lindalee757 29 Sep 2011

My heart goes out to her Judy-I know what it's like-sorta. I didn't have diverticulitis-my diagnosis was Ulcerative Colitis-not a previously diagnosed disease-kinda hit me like a ton of bricks. Long & short of it-after being hospitalized for almost a month-trying to stop the bleeding and start the healing-it didn't work-I ended up having my colon removed-did the whole colostomy thing-but I have a "J-pouch"-I call it my "phoney colon"-it was a long process with the healing-have 2 ugly belly scars as a result-but "knock-on-wood" I have never had any problems and life is good. Chin up mom-your daughter will get through it all one day at a time.(oh,this all happened to me just over 8 yrs ago) =O) ~linda~

by bevgrift 29 Sep 2011

My prayers for you and your daughter.
From Bev

by edithfarminer 29 Sep 2011

I am sooooo sorry to hear that. Have rushed hubby several times to hospital. He has this but never bad enough to operate.
My prayers are with you both.

by mad14kt 29 Sep 2011

Lord I pray every organ, tissue, issue be solved and made whole. By your stripes we are healed. I pray that you will give her a miracle that the doctor's will be amazed. I pray that your peace be overflowing. Lord may every tear be bottled and sadness turn to gladness for you are AWESOME in this place. Lord I have NEVER seen you fail and I won't neither. I count it done and pray against anything/everything that may cease to stop or slow this pray down! I send any and everything that is not of you to the abyss until judgement day. In Jesus Name I count it sealed and done! Amen!!! Be Blessed and encouraged in the Lord!!!

debswebster by debswebster 29 Sep 2011


drro by drro 29 Sep 2011

Great Prayer to the greatest healer of all!! AMEN!

mariahail by mariahail 03 Oct 2011


by mjdg 29 Sep 2011


I want you to know that I have prayed for your daughter and you. Sometimes it is just as hard for the one that "stands by".... and I know because my husband and I have been caretakers for one family member or another off and on since the 80's.

Right now I know it seems like it is the worst thing, but I know many people who have lived long and productive lives with a colostomy bag.

Thank God for good doctors and that they knew what to do, and did it quickly.

God bless you and take care of yourself, too!


by dailylaundry 29 Sep 2011

Oh Judy, this has been difficult for you! When your daughter is more stablized and can understand - stress how lucky she is to be alive and that many people live with a colostomy bag and no one knows it. I will have you both in my prayers! Hugs, Laura*

by nanabs 29 Sep 2011

So very sorry to hear this news about your dear daughter. Will be sending prayers for her full recovery. Hugs and a flower for you.
Judy AKA Nanab

by cfidl 29 Sep 2011

Wow - ver painful stuff, and I pray she will recover. The bag is not so bad, really and she will never fart again. I know what she is going through is not funny, but thank god the doctors have come up with the bag. It has saved and improved so many peoples lives over the last decades. The adhesives, the plastic are incredible. No one will have to know unless she tells them. She has to get through the peratonitis and life will be good again. LLDS! christine

by ansalu 29 Sep 2011

Will have you and your daughter in my thoughts...
Greetings, Bettina

by castelyn 29 Sep 2011

Dear Judy, so sorry to hear about your daughter.
You and your family will be in my prayers.

Hugs Yvonne

by terriweistra 29 Sep 2011

Sorry I obviously meant stay strong NOT "frong"

by terriweistra 29 Sep 2011

Oh my goodness, what awful news!! I am plenty of extra prayers my love and I will most certainly pray for strength for you and healing for your daughter!!

Take one day at a time sweetie, and I will pray that you stay frong for your child

by aleene 29 Sep 2011

Just sent a prayer up, for your daughter and your family!

by jrob Moderator 29 Sep 2011

Judy, I'm so sorry. I know that you are worried sick and I guarantee that I'll pray for your darling daughter and for you to have peace with God's hand on the situation.

by sewdeb 29 Sep 2011

Oh, Dear Judy, I am so saddened by this news. I have said a prayer that your daughter will heal quickly and will be home very soon. I will continue to include both you and your family in my prayers. Please keep us updated. God bless you.
Hugs and *'s, Deb