by glober 07 Aug 2011

They are any more free designs by Cuteembroidery designs and Amazing embroidery designs.

Please tell me



by marjialexa Moderator 07 Aug 2011

You cannot open design files unless you have a software program to open them with. You can only put the designs into your machine if you have no software. Please give us more information, so we can help you better. Hugs, Marji

1 comment
glober by glober 11 Aug 2011

Thank you Marji. I can not see the designs now.Before I unload Cute designs.I never had a problem. I only need to click the designs and immediately unload on my computer. I use StudioPlus by Designer's Gallery. I m no good in computer by I try to learned.
Please help me. Thanks again. ;-)

by mops Moderator 07 Aug 2011

Can't you download them or is there a problem opening them in your software and transfering them to your machine?

1 comment
glober by glober 11 Aug 2011

for long time I been unload designs by cute, and cute embroidery and Amazing embroidery. the true if I want to buy a design I can not see them either.Cute embroidery do no let me unload the designs. I do not know what to think
I use StudioPlus by Designer's Gallery
I love so much Cute embroidery Designs they are so beautiful. Thank you Please help me. xoxo

by michele921 07 Aug 2011

first what program are you using? We need to know so we can help. I have viking 4D and ped basic for me to open the files.

1 comment
glober by glober 11 Aug 2011

StudioPlus by Designer's Gallery

Thank you xoxo