by cicadamn 17 May 2011

I just love all the Family photos, but here a stupid question ? Where does one get all these nice pics from ( I mean the basket with theflowers that wiggles???


by ramona 17 May 2011

Here is one site. I'll see if I can find another one for you.

ramona by ramona 17 May 2011

Page down for the categories.
Another one. I think I'm doing this right.

ramona by ramona 17 May 2011

And another.

As for myself, I just right click, chose copy picture as and then I save the picture in a folder in My Document area of my computer. I add a name to them so I know what they are when I want to add one to a page. Some Cuties have added their own name to these neat graphics to personalize them. So watch for that. Enjoy.

cicadamn by cicadamn 17 May 2011

Oh Thank U so much I am going to try right now!!!