by tbbender 14 Apr 2011

Darn, my computer crashed and is in the shop, Im working off a little laptop.

Somehow I missed loading the "L" on amazing designs. Ladies be sure to back up your files! :(


by tbbender 14 Apr 2011

update to my computer, I didnt loose everything!
Whew what luck, Ive been trying to back up everything, but I have too much! Any suggestions on making it quicker, let me know. I delete all the sewing files except the one I use, than categorize them.....big job

by mysugarfootswife 14 Apr 2011

Every time I push my luck it happens. So I quit pushing anything except the back up button.

by rwalden 14 Apr 2011

I just backed them up this morning. It had been a long while. I push my luck sometimes.

by shirlener88 14 Apr 2011