by simplyrosie 09 Mar 2011

Hubby told me to go back tomorrow and buy more! Gee, let me think about this for a sec............ ha!


by elkety 10 Mar 2011

Congratulation to your Birthday.

What can be better for a embroiderer then having new material for the Hobby.

Enjoy your day

Regards Elke

by eteaff 10 Mar 2011

Where is that walmart?

by gerryb 10 Mar 2011

Get it while you can! Walmart's closing them out & then ours brought in "prepacked" pieces. I've been watching the ABC News thing on "made in USA," and am trying to buy for one month USA made products. Guess what? It's HARD! Called my local quilt shop & she said the last mill in US closed couple months ago & she gets all of her fabric out of the country. I'm all for world trade...BUT we have so many people out of jobs here now due to closings. But can't stop buying fabric!! :-)

by elizabethak 10 Mar 2011

We recenly had some luck with one of our factory outlets mporting quilting cottons and sellibg at R25 a metre. About USD3.50. Been buying when I can. They are the same people who do the indigo cottons we call Schwe Schwe.

by pcteddyb 10 Mar 2011

Good for you - stocking up at reduced prices is great (allows us to feed our "habit" for less)! The WalMart fabric departments have been going away in Phoenix, Arizona as they remodel each store - very few left now.

by kkcogle 10 Mar 2011

good for you to find such bargains! :) My Walmart lady just told me a month or so ago, that our Walmart will be increasing thier sewing department. This was a surprise to she thought that they would eventually do away with it. I wouldn't do good in a sale like that...tho...I'd need another room for storage! :)

by christief 10 Mar 2011

I would suggest you go back and get lots more! Here in Germany we don't have a lot of "choices" to buy fabric and the only place I could go to, the material starts at $20.00 a yard and on up! I'm not kidding! Haven't been in many, many years. We go to visit family in USA every 3 or 4 yeqrs and I take advantage of it and hit all the material shops I can for super bargins!

by simplyrosie 10 Mar 2011

Walmart in Irving Texas off of Olympia/MacArthur exit (635). We ended up going back last night. OMGosh I have fabric everywhere. LOL.

by asterixsew Moderator 10 Mar 2011

Sounds like you are going to have fun. It is interesting and very sad to read here that so many fabric shops are closing in the States. This has happened in the UK. I always thought that where fabric was concerned that the States were ahead of the UK as there are or appear to be so many people involved in many aspects of sewing and crafts. Seems I am mistaken.
In the UK one has to search more but fabric is available but not as it was. I live in a remote and rural area but my local town has a great fabric shop, not a huge choice but the new owner is fantastic. Within a 2 hour drive I can access quite a number of good fabric shops.

by spendlove Moderator 10 Mar 2011

As amhorne said, here in the UK we haven't had dedicated fabric shops for years (except perhaps a few quilting specialists).
Markets have been a great source of reasonably priced material since I was a child but they have shrunk recently and it is necessary to travel long distances to find one. You have to be prepared to buy what you see and wait for inspiration! You can't work the other way round. The department stores which still have a fabric department are exhorbitantly expensive.
I wish I could come and stock uop with you!

asterixsew by asterixsew 10 Mar 2011

Hi Sue how about a trip to Walmart?

spendlove by spendlove 10 Mar 2011

I'm up for it if you are!

asterixsew by asterixsew 10 Mar 2011


by shazells 10 Mar 2011

What a Bargain Oh is Hubby ok not running a credit card temprature I hope

by drcindyl 10 Mar 2011

I think they are closing it where sales are weak. My Southern California cloth has been gone for years. We traverse the country in our RV and there are many stores still selling. We have relatives in Utah. I think they will keep selling in Utah because the Mormon ladies are super duper crafters.

drcindyl by drcindyl 10 Mar 2011

Oh, one other thing. If you live in Southern california, did you know that swapmeets often have sellers selling left over reams, threads, laces, etc from the garment industry? Usually $1 per yard. My favorite is the swapmeet at Goldenwest college in Huntington Beach.

simplyrosie by simplyrosie 10 Mar 2011

I'm from San Diego... I had never seen fabric at our swapmeets/flea markets. :-( I miss SoCal! Been in Texas since 11/09.

by shop 09 Mar 2011

You are so lucky. They have closed the fabric department in our Walmart, Sylva NC almost two years ago. There is one about 30 miles away and they still have some but they are building a SuperWalmart across the street and rumors they are doing away with fabric. I feel sorry for those that can't afford $8-10 a yard fabric at the private shops. We have alot of ladies on fixed incomes and Walmart was the only affordable place for them to buy. Maybe we should all write Walmart and complain. I have several times but there is power in numbers!!!

by noah 09 Mar 2011

yes there has been no fabric in walmart in my area of canada for 2 years now!!so sad!!carolyn

by grandmamek 09 Mar 2011

Our Walmart still sells it. I was told it would stay open because there are so many Amish women that shop there. I live in an area where there are many Amish Families. I do not know if it is true or not that they will keep the fabric dept. open. I know they quit selling the H2O gone awhile back. It was always so cheap to buy it there.

by estherwaayenberg 09 Mar 2011

Yup, they did that at my store too about 6 months ago. Phoo.

by Simplesewer1 09 Mar 2011

I live in Indiana in Winchester and our walmart still has fabric but not very much and they are our only food store no other grochery, we also have an aldi buy come on I have to drive an hour away to get good quality meet !and fabric Dont even ask!

by sewmom 09 Mar 2011

I hope you have a good storage area! Sounds like a steal like my 25 cent patterns at my Joann's that's closing. When the fabric gets down to rock bottom prices I can't get any because my stash is already too big :( or :) which one?

by kttyhwk4 09 Mar 2011

All Walmart stores will be closing their fabric departments. If you're still fortunate enough to still have it in your store enjoy it while you can. We still have one store in our area that still sells fabric but don't look for it to be there much longer. You'd think Walmart would do more for it's customers as not everyone lives in an area that has fabric stores. It causes a hard ship on a lot of people...but like everything else they're greedy and they don't make a lot of money selling fabric so it's got to go. I liked Walmart a lot better when Mr. Walton was still around.

by shirlener88 09 Mar 2011

What a buy - good thing that you dear husband thought it was a deal, too.

by obaachan 09 Mar 2011

They (Walmart) have done this in all but 2 of their stores in North West Michigan.. Don't know why.. The 2 closest to me still have a sewing dept. but they are getting smaller...

by nonna57 09 Mar 2011

Teri bless your DH's heart. Take my advice and be there at opening time, more time , more fabric. Shalom :)

by amhorne 09 Mar 2011

What is happening to the supply of fabric everywhere? Our mills closed years ago here in UK, and where I live our material shops have gradually closed down one-by-one. There is one not too far away from me, but their stock is very limited, and our local outdoor market, which used to be my main source years ago, now has little or nothing to offer. Even some of our larger stores are limited in their range of fabric.

Perhaps we Cuties should all be "up-in-arms" about this. Where can we make our voice heard worldwide?

Love to you all.

1 comment
wishfulthinking by wishfulthinking 09 Mar 2011

Excellent point amhorne.
I do not know what part of the country you are, but the nearest fabric shop to me is miles and miles and miles.
They have all gone, so one resorts to buying online. As you know it may state cotton, but when it arrives it is usually such poor quality. Long gone have the times when I could feel the quality.

Things are so much cheaper in the states, but then you get stung with import tax, vat and NOW a HANDLING charge from royal mail. It's crazy.

by beatie58 09 Mar 2011

Wow! sounds like lots of bargins to be had! Lucky you!

by ramona 09 Mar 2011

They took out the fabric section our store in Orlando and what they have done instead is package 1 yard cuts in the craft section. But, yes, they started closing the fabric section a year or so ago, maybe longer. Enjoy the shopping spree while it lasts!

by pcochran525 09 Mar 2011

We still have ours in Jacksonville Florida. You would think that all the fuss about them losing their customers that is posted on the net they would realize that their customers want the fabric and crafts. They will lose my business if they take it out of ours, thats what draws me in there other wise I can go to K-Mart.

by bevintex 09 Mar 2011

If it's a superwalmart and they are open all night go back today. You did'nt spend a fortune you saved one. Just depends on how you look at it. LOL

by mad14kt 09 Mar 2011

Howdy Terri! Ours been close since I don't know when, LOL I now take ME time and go to Hancocks & JoAnn's and have a FIESTA I also get GREAT bargins online ;D *2U

by fanniefrannie 09 Mar 2011

WalMart-Haines City, FL was scheduled to close fabrics, but some lady stood outside and had people to sign a petition (next fabric store-not WalMart-is 40 mi.)and now it's supposed to stay.

getEdited - SELECT
by margiepeart 09 Mar 2011

Our Wal Mart in Penticton, B.C. Canada and Kelowna, B.C. haven't had a sewing department for a few years now. We are lucky, we have a Fabricland and a privately owned quilt shop, Poppins Quilt Parlour. They are both very good.

by mnladyus 09 Mar 2011

Ours went out 3-4 years ago. Back than, they said the fabrics would be gone in all of the Walmart stores within a few years.

by dlonnahawkins 09 Mar 2011

Lucky girl - we were told that they were downsizing the fabric department in our area too. The new WalMart did not have a fabric department in it - so there is nothing close to get fabric around here now.

by lulu07 09 Mar 2011

Don't you just hate that they are closing the sewing department down, they sell so much material, I don't understand was ashamed when we lost ours here in El Paso, I really miss it...there are only two places to get go girl and buy out as much as you can!!

by fannyfurkin 09 Mar 2011

We have Kmart here in Australia and they got rid of their fabric section many years ago.

by windsong1 09 Mar 2011

ticks me off. They reduced our's down to nothing almost. Still some fabric, but so crowded you can't shop. And a ton of artificial flowers. UCK. I want real fabric. Nothing else within 45 miles one way of where I live.

by clawton 09 Mar 2011

You're lucky you've had it this long. Ours went away long ago. They just took the fabric out and never offered it on any real sale. So enjoy all of that fabric! Yes, buy, buy, buy!

by relaxsew 09 Mar 2011

Which WalMart? What city?