by gloriajstitcher 12 Feb 2008

What are the flowers about?


by tmbache 12 Feb 2008

I think they are for all you new girls to keep you on your toes and asking WHY.As for the rest we just love to keep on giving and giving one to all for any reason we may think of. So heres a flower for you for asking what the flowers are for.

by mops Moderator 12 Feb 2008

Here's a flower for your bunch. By the time all is revealed it might be a huge bouquet.

by jrob Moderator 12 Feb 2008

This one is to make you smile......did it work?

by ruthie 12 Feb 2008

gloriajstitcher, see my answer to coreyritajo, *This may be a stupid question, but I don't know so I'll ask*, it explains all about the flowers, and here's one for you, poppet and Shirlene. Have a fun day.

by poppet 12 Feb 2008

I was wondering the same thing lol

by shirlener88 12 Feb 2008

No one really knows - but you can look at some of the past questions and get more info - in the mean time - when you see an orange flower - along side someones question - you have the option to give them one - by clicking on it - have one from me - and enjoy the fun of giving.