by tanuja 08 Jul 2010

Iam sooo excited I am off to JO`BURG tomorrow to see a concert by ANDREA BOCELLI and the FINAL ON SUNDAY .

Have a great weekend all of U .
LOVE Tanuja


by daisy530 08 Jul 2010

I would love to see him! Have a great time.

by edithfarminer 08 Jul 2010

Waaaaauw, can I come too lol. Have a super time.

by castelyn 08 Jul 2010

Hope you have a fantastic time Tanuja. Hugs Yvonne

by cutegirl 08 Jul 2010

It will be sad once the final is over and the World Cup come and gone. It has been a beautiful experince to us all. South Africa really rocked, special at all the fan parks.

by melita 08 Jul 2010

I am so jealous. I love Andrea Bocelli. Well take pictures and let us see them. Have fun.

by marthie 08 Jul 2010

Now how lucky can a girl get? Enjoy it.

by jofrog2000 08 Jul 2010

He is an amazing talent. My sister and I saw him in Atlantic City a few years ago. Just opens his mouth and that glorious sound comes out. You are lucky on all counts.

by jrob Moderator 08 Jul 2010

Love, LOVE, L O V E Him! I'm so jealous!!!!!!

by haydebug 08 Jul 2010

Hope you have a safe and wonderful time!

by keeponsewing 08 Jul 2010

I love his voice! Wish I could be there with you to enjoy the game! It's going to be outstanding and intense...Have lots of fun. You might want to take ear plugs during the game.... hehehhe.

by gerryvb 08 Jul 2010

enjoy, you will have a great time for sure!!

by celia50 08 Jul 2010

ENJOY - I live about 5kms from the Soccer Stadium where the final will be held. We are all very excited and have had such a wonderful world cup so far. The atmosphere has been phenomenal. I am sure you will enjoy the final!

1 comment
keeponsewing by keeponsewing 08 Jul 2010

Oh Wow Celia, that is awesome. I can't imagine the atmosphere. I'm sure it will be an intense game...

by bevgrift 08 Jul 2010

Have a lovely time!

by pennifold 08 Jul 2010

Congratulations on seeing Andrea - what a voice!!!!!!

And you are going to see THE WORLD SOCCER FINAL - what an atmosphere that will be - I hope the best team wins.

Love and blessings Chris

by beatie58 08 Jul 2010

Wow! great enjoy!

by mariahail 08 Jul 2010

Oh, you are so lucky...I love Andrea...

by mops Moderator 08 Jul 2010

I hope you have a wonderful time and enjoy both the concert and the final!