by dkatzmann 20 Nov 2009

I read that you shouldn't flush WSS water through your plumbing because it might eventually cause a problem. What do you FSL cuties do with the water?


by lbrow 20 Nov 2009

I flush down the sink drain followed by very hot water. *

by killiecrankie 20 Nov 2009

I have managed to kill or damage azaleas with water that was cold -but was hot water that fabric had been soaked in, so now all water that was used in the laundry goes onto the grass .It is very green where this water has been used but the rest is nearly dead ( water restrictions of 150 litres of water per person per day when you have grey sand makes you throw all used water out into the yard somewhere .This has been going on for 5 years & could go on forever it seems).So I would be very interested in what this water from the WSS could do to the grass & plants

by free3wil 20 Nov 2009

To you ladies who throw the water outside, please be careful of the wildlife, especially birds. If it should re-congeal (is that the word) they might try to use it in their nest, and that would not be good for babies. I really don't have a good idea for disposal, just be careful of our little feathered friends.

by clawton 20 Nov 2009

I also just rinse with lots of hot water and have not had a problem. But thowing out in the yard or garden would be a good recycle tip.

by grandmamek 20 Nov 2009

I usually take my waater out the back door and just throw the water into the yard. That way I know it is not going down into our septic. I sure do not want any septic problems.

by shirlener88 20 Nov 2009

I have been doing FSL for over five years - never had a drain problem - however I did hear from a lady once that said that they had a septic tank and it cause them some trouble - I believe if you rinse with lots of water and keep it flowing down the drain - that you should have trouble. *4U

1 comment
sewmom by sewmom 20 Nov 2009

I think you meant "should not" LOL. Maybe add soap to break it up as it goes down?

by tippi 20 Nov 2009

Good question. One day when I washed some angels I left a lot of the WSS in the sink in a hurry and didn't find it till the next day. Had a terrible time getting it out.

by lani02 20 Nov 2009

I have been told that if you flush the dissovable stabalizer down with hot water for a few seconds it will be ok. I usually dissolve mine in a bowl of warm water then flush down the drain with more hot water.