by ruthie 20 Aug 2009

Cuties, prayers and good wishes to Teri (simplyrosie), her surgery is scheduled for the 20th.


by manami 21 Aug 2009

Teri is in my thoughts and prayers. I hope the surgery is successful and the recovery is fast. Love, Yoriko

by ruthie 20 Aug 2009

Thanks to everyone who responded with good wishes, prayers and kind thoughts for beautiful Teri, sorry if I had the wrong day - but hey folks, prayers are never wasted! Please remember Teri in your prayers on the 14 September. Love you all.

by ruthie 20 Aug 2009

Teri, sorry I got it wrong, but it makes no difference whether it's minor or major surgery - you are still in my thoughts and prayers. I will remember you on the 14th (I'm assuming September), and I'm so pleased to hear that they've caught yours early. Love and hugs to you sweetie and hoping for a good result for you.

by grandmamek 20 Aug 2009

Teri, My thoughts and prayers are with you. Please keep us updated. Hugs for you

by grandmamek 20 Aug 2009

Thank you Ruthie for the update.

by jacquipaul 20 Aug 2009

I'll be praying for you, Teri, on the 14th. Have been through the same process x3.

by shirlener88 20 Aug 2009

Thanks Ruthie for the heads up - we will be praying on the 14th. *4U

by simplyrosie 20 Aug 2009

Oh all are too sweet, but it's on the 14th and I'm NOT having the full hysto unless my uterus comes back cancerous.

This is just for taking out the very bad cells on the cervix and also taking a biopsy of the 4 tumors I have growing inside the uterus.

It's really very, very minor and I'll be knocked out for the whole thing.

Let me reinforce something to all you ladies... GET RUGULAR GYNO EXAMS!!!! Cerivical cancer is NOTHING to mess around with and if left untreated, it is fatal. Doctors can remove the bad sections if the cancer is caught early enough... like in my case.

xoxoxo teri

shirlener88 by shirlener88 20 Aug 2009

OH my yes - everyone of you - please do!

clawton by clawton 20 Aug 2009

Is that Sept. 14?

by lbrow 20 Aug 2009

Teri I do believe u know without my saying so how much I care about u. You r like one of my own girls. God will b with you through it all. Lillian

by lbrow 20 Aug 2009

Teri I do believe u know without my saying so how much I care about u. You r like one of my own girls. God will b with you through it all. Lillian

by sewmom 20 Aug 2009

I'll be thinking of you. Hope everything goes well.

by cinderoak 20 Aug 2009

Many prayers and blessing your way Teri!!!! May our Great Physician guide the hand of your doctors and those who are caring for you! We pray for wisdom and discernment for all. May your recovery be swift and the results a blessing! love, judy

by mops Moderator 20 Aug 2009

Teri, my thoughts and prayers are with you. Hugs, Martine.

by castelyn 20 Aug 2009

Teri, my prayers will be with you - God bless - Hugs Yvonne

Ruthie, thanks so much for posting this

by ruthie 20 Aug 2009

Teri, my prayers and thoughts are with at this time, and I'm hoping all your news is good news. Love you sweetie xx.

1 comment
ruthie by ruthie 20 Aug 2009

That should read ... my prayers and thoughts are with you at this time.