by craftylady182000 20 Jul 2007

I have just started downloading the butterflies and have only the last six if anyone could help with the earlier one I would be every sooo greatful I do not have a credit card so can' t buy them


by cutiepie 23 Jul 2007

What the freebie of the day is depends on the vote the previous day. So, if you are wanting a particular letter, you need to vote for it. =]

1 comment
cutiepie by cutiepie 23 Jul 2007

Oh, yeah. I almost forgot. A credit card isn't necessary to set up a PayPal account. All you need is a bank account. So that might be a solution to you if you are wanting to purchase a membership.

by christa 22 Jul 2007

I think she is reposting them, at least it restarted with the A today (and I'm so glad because I missed them too!)