by rmj8939 27 Nov 2008

I use to be able to use the downloads but suddenly they get a response on my computer that : directory or file cannot be created. What is wrong? Anyone else having this problem?


by relow26 28 Nov 2008

This message indicates a problem that exits on your computer at the time it appears. There are many causes. It basically is saying you do not have access to the folder, drive, memory stick, etc, that you are trying to save too. It can relate to the name used, directory path, using those unacceptable characters, format issue,too much in the folder, full disk, or a lack of computer resources. It can also be one of those glitches. Renaming, creating a new folder to save too, or rebooting, are possible solutions. If time solves the problem, process running in the background can use a lot of resources, and when the process is done, the resources are free again. You would not usually be aware this is even happening. It all depend on your system and configuration. I probably did not explain that very well.

1 comment
rmj8939 by rmj8939 28 Nov 2008

Thanks for your advise. Ruthir

by brendaleas 28 Nov 2008

I too get this sometimes, What I do is just wait a few minutes and try again. When I go back to download it works, I don't know what is going on, but sometimes I have to try two or three times before I can get the design to download. I have noticed the longer I wait, the better is works.
Hope this helps.
Brenda Lea

brendaleas by brendaleas 28 Nov 2008

I have notice that is happen more when it's a new design to the site.
Keep trying cutes designs are worth it.
what ever you do not give up.

Keep smiling, it helps your heart. and makes your face age slower too.
Brenda Lea

rmj8939 by rmj8939 28 Nov 2008

Thanks for taking the time to answer me.

by marjialexa Moderator 28 Nov 2008


by dkjack 27 Nov 2008

Can't help, but this will push you to the top so hopefully someone with computer savey can help you.

by marjialexa Moderator 27 Nov 2008

Oboy, sounds like something in your computer. I hope somebody more savvy than me comes along to help you out. I know sometimes when I get kitties on the keyboard the little fuzz-butts change my settings! Then I have to figure out what they did, and undo it. Where are you saving them to? Someplace different than you did before? Hard drive or DVD? The more information you give, the better the chance someone can help you. Hope you get it sorted out soon!! Marji

1 comment
rmj8939 by rmj8939 28 Nov 2008

Thank you.