by cordura5 23 Oct 2008

the thread and it is God that sews us all together. Does anybody have any sewing related tidbits? Either religious or not, but somehow how sewing relates to our lives or ANYTHING you may think of that I could use. We usually read a couple of things during the program, and I am trying to tie my theme into things that happen during the program.


by mimisews2 23 Oct 2008

Many years ago I cross stitched a sampler with this saying on it. "Make the patchwork of your life a treasured work of art. Each piece will fit if fashioned with a kind and loving heart."

by mariahail 23 Oct 2008

In the crazy quilt of my life, I'm glad you're in my block of friends.
2.-A quilt is something you make to keep someone you know WARM.
3.A quilt is a blanket of love.
I'm in therapy, sewing is cheaper than a psychiatrist.
5,When life give you scraps make quilts
6-quilts are like friends, a great source of comfort.
7-Sewing and crafts fill my day, not to mention the living room, bedroms and closets.
8-Friendships are sewn one stitch at a time.
9-Love is the thread that bind us.
10-Blessed are the piece makers.
11- You're sew special.
12-I love sewing and have plenty of material witnesses.
13-From my hands to your heart.
14-Quilting with frien will keep you in stitches.
15-Behind every sewer there is a huge pile of fabric.
16-Life is a patchwork of friends.
17-My soul is fed by needle @ thread.
I think a couple of these you could use for your project, the other ones...well, just to share with the rest of the cuties.***

by blhamblen 23 Oct 2008

I have sometimers disease (sometimes I remember and sometimes I don't)and right now my mind is blank...have you tried ASK.COM? :)