by toogie 01 Sep 2024

Good Day Cuties, Since Laura asked about Nora, I decided to go ahead and fill you in, even though we still don't know anything.

They went Wednesday to New Orleans and had more blood work, another ultrasound and a chest X-ray. They were told results would be back in 24 hours, so someone would call Friday with results.
Dr had said, if she couldn’t see what they needed to see, then a MRI would have to be scheduled, for them to come back. A four hour trip one way, which we don't mind as long as Nora gets good care. The hospital did not call with results Friday and with the holiday Monday, it may be Tuesday or Wednesday, before we may know anything.
Parents and Nora did like this doctor. She asked all 3 questions and then asked if they had questions. She was in no rush. She is checking for different things. We have a lot of different auto immune diseases and cancers in the family. She also said not to be too alarmed at the first radiologist reports we got here. She said the radiologist here mostly read adult scans and adults, differ from children. This hospital specializes in children, so she wants any further testing done and read there, which is understandable.
I wish they would have said they would call next week with the results, then call earlier, than tell you a day you are waiting to hear and then not call.
On the brighter side, Nora spent Wednesday and Thursday night with us. I think it did us all good. She sewed some doll pillows Thursday and she likes to play cards, so we played Rummy and Phase 10. Her appetite was up so that’s good. We got to cuddle a lot-(smile,smile)
I was waiting until I had news or diagnosis to post. Thank you for your prayers and keep them coming.❤️Toogie


by 02kar Moderator 01 Sep 2024

Thank you for the update. It might not be much of an update, but progress has been made. Rob had dropped everything when I got the first news and prayed for everyone. Our prayers continue. Rob just came in and I updated him on Nora. He cheered when he heard she is now being seen in NO and said, "good, progress is being made". We know how expensive these 8 hour plus appointments are. Hopefully, the hospital complex has housing to help keep expenses down. Keep those cuddles coming and you know, our prayers are going up and God is listening.

by dailylaundry 01 Sep 2024

Thanks for the update, Toogie! Waiting is awful and I agree, they should have told them it wouldn't be until next week for test results. But, it certainly sounds as though they have a wonderful doctor now for Nora. Prayers continued and lots of hugs!

by dlonnahawkins 01 Sep 2024

Toogie, I have been thinking about you and Nora, and hoping you had heard some better news. And getting those cuddles are really special. Wishing Nora all the best and know that she will be getting the best of care.

by jrob Moderator 01 Sep 2024

I'm happy you have found a doctor/hospital that specializes in children. That will make a world of difference in her care.
Those cuddles go a long, long way.
Waiting is the hardest part. I'm in prayer for you all as you wait to hear the plan and get moving to have precious Miss Nora back to her old self.

by asterixsew Moderator 01 Sep 2024

Toogie thanks for the update on Nora. Sounds as if she was looked at and listened too very carefully. Positive thoughts to all of you