getEdited - SELECT
by jrob Moderator 17 Mar 2023

Last Update: I like the sound of that! August 8th the journey ended with Mike's Radiologist saying how happy he was that everything (from his knees to the top of his head) was CLEAR! Thanks be to God the great healer. I want to shout it from the rooftops. God would have been good either way- that's what I believe, but this one was a win I'll take! I am so, so grateful for all of your prayers, for all of you that have reached out to me with comfort and encouragement, to my faithful beyond measure Rescuer. Know that I'm around for anyone needing a prayer partmer, or just a silent friend cheering you on.

Update: Sorry I've been remiss in posting. This caretaker thing is a full time job and I already had one. We, I say we, as this is definitely a family journey, are at the 1/2 way mark in radiation and at the 2/3 mark for chemo treatments. He was told this week from the oncologist, that if this was the first time he had done a physical exam on MIke, that he would not know that there was anything there. It has shrunk that much. Praise be to God! Thus far, since diagnosis, he's only lost 6 lbs. (according to one scale) and that's remarkable. Mike says he doesn't want anything to eat, or doesn't feel like eating, but I cook and he pretty much, every time, eats what I have prepared. There are a myriad of emotions and feelings that run through your mind like a 12K NOT fun run, but other than that, we are doing really well.

I am grateful for the prayers that you have said on our behalf and would ask that you continue as we are brought into your mind. Much love and I'll try to post sooner, but can't promise. It's just one day at a time.

Could I ask my sweet praying friends for special prayers for my guy? It seems he has throat cancer. We have some fabulous physicians here in our town and of course the Great Physician is on the job too. “Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working” (James 5:16, ESV)

We are standing on faith and the prayer of believers. I am humbled that you would pray for him.


by test 10 Oct 2023

My dear, Jerrilyn.
I continue to pray for you.
Love and Hugs.

1 comment
jrob by jrob 10 Oct 2023

Thank you my dear one. I am sustained with the prayers being said for us. You are right about how difficult it is for caregivers. I’ll have my time soon when I can just lose it and know it’s all going to be alright, it’s not that time yet. Love to you!

by peafarm 24 Aug 2023

I am so happy for your husband's outcome. Firm believer in prayer and I know we lose some loved one even thru prayer but this is exciting and wonderful news and testimony of God's grace. Some of us are going through times such as this. I need that comfort of prayer myself. You both need to celebrate, rest up my Cutie. Your both in my thoughts.

by test 22 Aug 2023

My dear, Jerrilyn. Just urgently need someone to have replaced you for a few days. You should be alone, and have a good rest. I walked this path with my mom and then with my dad. Our forces and capabilities are not unlimited, they need to be replenished ...
I continue to pray for you. Take care of yourself, my friend, I'm worried about your health. The husband is under the supervision of doctors, and you are alone. I hope children and grandchildren are with you.
Love and Hugs.

by asterixsew Moderator 14 Aug 2023

Excellent news for both of you. Now to enjoy your lives and look to the future

1 comment
jrob by jrob 14 Aug 2023

Thank you!

by dailylaundry 13 Aug 2023

This is the best news!!! Praise God from whom all blessings flow! Thank you - thank you for sharing this wonderful news with us! Bunches of hugs to you and your dear hubby!! Laura

1 comment
jrob by jrob 14 Aug 2023

Thank you!

by 02kar Moderator 13 Aug 2023

Hurray!!! Such great news after a long battle. I am delighted to hear he is CLEAR. And I understand what you are saying that with God it would be good either way. Big hugs to you too. Being a caregiver is a full-time job and takes a whole lot of energy. My handsome hubby has already said he will not be giving up the caregiver title. Rob says it is the only way he can boss me around and have a chance that I will do what I should be doing. I laugh every time he says it. Now go out and celebrate!

1 comment
jrob by jrob 14 Aug 2023

Thank you! You just smile and say, "yes, sir." Trust me on that.

by dragonflyer 13 Aug 2023

What wonderful news happy for you both. Sending love and light to you both.

1 comment
jrob by jrob 14 Aug 2023

Thank you!

by maleah 13 Aug 2023

It is wonderful to get that kindof news. Now, take a moment for yourself and rest. Thank the good Lord that all is well.... I pray for good news.

1 comment
jrob by jrob 14 Aug 2023

Thank you!

by graceandham 13 Aug 2023

Thrilled for you both no end! Yes, God is great either way, but the uh-oh, still bad news way is a lot harder to claim a good God. The real blessing I see in all this for you guys is it has made you a stronger couple and stronger believers, just sorry for the adversity. Dancing in my den (sewing room).

1 comment
jrob by jrob 14 Aug 2023

Thank you! I wish I see you dancing.

by jrob Moderator 12 Aug 2023

I can't say thank you enough. I'm grateful for having you all cheering for us in this journey of a thousand miles. I'm exhausted, Mike's totally wrung out, but we are on the path to a "new" us.

rescuer by rescuer 12 Aug 2023

Us is the best bit of that! Rest until the joy makes you leap again!

jrob by jrob 14 Aug 2023

Thank you!

by pennifold 18 May 2023

Heavenly Father watch over these two beautiful faithful Christians. Hold them in the palm of your Hand and strengthen and enlighten them for the weeks to come. You are our Great Healer and we put our trust in your infinite grace and mercy. Thinking of you Jerrilyn as you travel alongside your beloved hubby. God hears the prayers of the faithful. Love Chris

noah by noah 19 May 2023

Amen to this:):)

jrob by jrob 22 May 2023

Amen! much love and thanks!

by test 18 May 2023

Continuing prayers!!!

rescuer by rescuer 18 May 2023

Me too 💕

jrob by jrob 18 May 2023

Thank you so much. Your prayers mean more than you can imagine.
There is a light at the end of this tunnel.. For a time, it felt like an oncoming train. He has improvement in his pain this week and that is a great relief. It's the little things....
Love, love, love to you all. I'm so grateful for your support.

by jrob Moderator 02 May 2023

Update: Last week, and the runner is crawling. This is so hard, but we DO have faith and know that this is but a short time. We found out yesterday that a PET scan will be run in August, so we just have to trust until then that it will all come back negative! My God is so much bigger than this and I trust Him and give it all to Him.
Thank you for your continued prayers. I do feel them and know that your prayers are being heard. A kiss to each of your hearts! (as our sweet Dilcea would say)

mops by mops 03 May 2023

You are still in my prayers. Love, Martine

test by test 03 May 2023

Still praying for you all. Love.

02kar by 02kar 03 May 2023

I'm so grateful for the update on you and your husband. The finish line is in sight so keep on crawling.

dailylaundry by dailylaundry 03 May 2023

Continuing prayers!!! Hugs and loads of love!

peafarm by peafarm 08 May 2023

Oh yes, I have a running prayer list. Stay strong and keep cooking for him. I got down to eating instant oatmeal and a baked potato until I got a bite of not fully cooked potato so lived off oatmeal for a time. It slowly increased as time went on. Hopefully even if he isn't hungry or have that appetite your food will be more appealing and he remembers the good cooking taste. Diet is so important. I love praying for my online friends. So much of us need one another.

by airyfairy 26 Apr 2023

Dear Jerrilyn. You and your family are in my thoughts so much. Keep strong.

by test 26 Apr 2023

My dear Jerrilyn, my heart is crying. For a long time I could not even leave a comment here, but I pray every day for you all. This is all I can do for you now. I wish you good health and much strength to walk this path to the end, to a happy ending.
Love and big Hugs, my dear friend.

by basketkase 17 Apr 2023

Wow, half way mark and such awesome results with minimal effects is everything anyone could pray for ... thank you for the uplifting update and for showing , once again, that prayers are answered!

by dragonflyer 16 Apr 2023

Half way through the "race" and I know you both are staying strong...we are all "with" you on this journey!

by sebsews 16 Apr 2023

It was about a month ago when you posted about your guy, he has come a long way in little time. Still sending prayers to you and your family as the journey continues.

1 comment
jrob by jrob 16 Apr 2023

Thank you so much! It seems like a short time in a way, but also it seems like years. We can almost see the text at the end to see where we go from there.

by sewmom 16 Apr 2023

Stay strong! We are with you.

1 comment
jrob by jrob 16 Apr 2023

Thank you. I'm fine, except for watching what it's doing to him.

by dlonnahawkins 16 Apr 2023

Jerrilynn - it is hard to care for one you care so deeply about. And see the struggles that they go through. Sometimes you get snapped at, but it is hard on them to be dependent on one that they love. Prayers continuing with you and your guy, and hoping things continue to improve.

1 comment
jrob by jrob 16 Apr 2023

Yes, it's very difficult to see your love be so vulnerable. He's a big fan of being petted by me, so at least he's enjoying that. :)

by maleah 16 Apr 2023

Thank you for the update. May the good Lord be praised.

1 comment
jrob by jrob 16 Apr 2023

He definitely is at my house! Thank you!

by graceandham 16 Apr 2023

This sounds great. Thanks for the update. Keep focusing on jobs 1 and 2 and we'll keep praying for you two. My love, Betsey

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jrob by jrob 16 Apr 2023

Thank you for your encouragement and prayers. Love back to you my friend.

by noah 15 Apr 2023

Praise be to our Lord :):)xx

1 comment
jrob by jrob 16 Apr 2023

Thank you dear Carolyn!

by toogie 15 Apr 2023

Thank you for the Update-❤️U

1 comment
jrob by jrob 16 Apr 2023

Thank you sweet friend! Love you too!

by jrob Moderator 22 Mar 2023

Oh, how I love you all!!!!
Tomorrow is the day that he will have a 5-6 hour stint with blood draws, chemo, radiation, re-hydrating, etc. Etc= I have no idea, but my hope is in the Lord. I'm going to pray for each of you darlings tomorrow while I'm just sitting around with nothing to do.

rescuer by rescuer 22 Mar 2023

Tomorrow I will spend my time praying 🙏 for you both!

graceandham by graceandham 22 Mar 2023

Jerilyn, Keep the main thing the main thing. Pray for him and good care.

dailylaundry by dailylaundry 15 Apr 2023

Good thoughts and prayers!! Hugs!

by basketkase 20 Mar 2023

Oh, dear Lord Jerilyn....I am so saddened by this news! Thank God you have a great support group of prayer warriors here on Cute and am sure your family as well.......I will add your husband to my list for sure and the prayers are on their way.......God Bless you.......😘

by pennifold 20 Mar 2023

My dear Jerrilyn, I was heartbroken to read your news. My prayers are with you all as I know you've got a road to travel too. Please send my best wishes to Mike and God will be protecting you and your family over the coming months. I know what you are going through my friend. Love Chris

by toogie 20 Mar 2023

I know you must be reeling with this news, but I also know you have the best healer on your side. Your faith is strong and He always does what’s best for us, even if we don’t realize it at the time. Give Mike the biggest hug he can stand and then tell him how much I love you both, but we know God loves him more! 🙏❤️Toogie

by dragonflyer 19 Mar 2023

So sad to hear this...sending love and prayers to you both

by sewtired 19 Mar 2023

Sad news, but I will add my prayers for you all too.

by dailylaundry 18 Mar 2023

I will pray for both of you! Keep positive and don't forget to take care of yourself! Please keep us updated! Bunches of hugs, Laura

by dlonnahawkins 18 Mar 2023

Prayers for you and your husband. It is very hard to accept things like this, but God will see you through this.

by orao 18 Mar 2023

Praying are with you and your family

by airyfairy 18 Mar 2023

I am so very sorry to hear this Jerrilyn. My thoughts are with you and your family. Look after yourself.

by graceandham 18 Mar 2023

What a shock! A hard thing for two such nice people. Of course, I will be praying for you both and the caregivers, the treatment plan, everything. Sending my love.

by 02kar Moderator 18 Mar 2023

I add my prayers for wisdom, for strength and comfort. And I add as many cyber hugs as you need. Our beloved God has you in His arms.

by crafter2243 Moderator 18 Mar 2023

Praying also 🙏🏼

by sebsews 18 Mar 2023

Praying for you and your Guy.

by asterixsew Moderator 18 Mar 2023

Positive thoughts coming your way for both of you.

by tinfriend 18 Mar 2023

Praying for you both!xxx

by mops Moderator 18 Mar 2023

Praying too

by shirley124 18 Mar 2023

Sending prayers.

by rescuer Moderator 17 Mar 2023

Praying 🙏