by 02kar Moderator 06 Jan 2023

I am happy to tell you all that we saw the radiologist who did my needle biopsy 2 weeks ago. He made me laugh because he told me he is dancing with us. The tumor in my abdomen is a smooth muscle tumor that is attached to the intestine is a benign tumor that is very slow growing. I need another CT scan in approximately 6 months to be sure it has no changes and will be released. He said I definitely need to go to a very large facility to continue the hunt for the cause of severe pain in my lower left quadrant. He made me laugh when he agreed with the surgeon who told me most patients are like horses. I am a zebra who needs to be seen by doctors who work with lots of zebras. I've decided that I'm not liking being a zebra. Sigh. So, another hurdle complete and now back to the GI to continue the journey.


by dragonflyer 20 Jan 2023

What a relief, to just figure out why the pain...

1 comment
02kar by 02kar 21 Jan 2023

Thanks, And when they figure out what is causing the pain, how to fix it. But we just keep taking one step at a time.

by peafarm 20 Jan 2023

So glad you have finally got an answer to the tumor and it being benign [God is Great!] but now the journey for your continued pain. Still praying for you. I will post what is up with my daughter and then suddenly an issue that happened to me.

1 comment
02kar by 02kar 21 Jan 2023

thanks. Yes, my journey continues with a referral to a very large medical facility about 4 hours north of us. I'm glad you are keeping us updated.

by airyfairy 13 Jan 2023

Look after yourself

1 comment
02kar by 02kar 14 Jan 2023

Thank you. I am well cared for by my handsome hubby and friends.

by aussiequilter 13 Jan 2023

I pray you continue to to stay safe

1 comment
02kar by 02kar 13 Jan 2023

Thank you. O am so blessed to have a wonderful hubby and great friends who all work to help us and take care of me.

by hightechgrammy 10 Jan 2023

Karen, I'm so happy, relieved to hear the tumor is benign! What a miracle. Now praying you find out what is causing all your pain and that it be treated successfully.
I love giraffe's too!

1 comment
02kar by 02kar 11 Jan 2023

Thank you. My hubby and I are doing our best to give as much info as we can figure out to help when a new doctor takes me on. I'm glad to have another giraffe lover. I just love the way they move, like a ballet.

by basketkase 10 Jan 2023

Oh my gosh Karen.....I am so thrilled to read this regarding you tumor, that is one Christmas miracle for we look forward to your new year miracle and get to the bottom of your pain! By the way, Zebras are such beautiful creatures and God took a long time perfecting those stripes!🦓

02kar by 02kar 10 Jan 2023

It's good to have you back, but I know you already miss your family. I am so very grateful for yet another miracle in my life. A zebra's stripes are amazing, aren't they. I loved seeing them in the wild when we visited friends in Kenya so many decades ago.

basketkase by basketkase 10 Jan 2023


by sebsews 08 Jan 2023

Great news! Now on to the big house specialists to find and cure your pain. You have had so much going on and I pray for your full recovery. Hugs, Suzanna

1 comment
02kar by 02kar 09 Jan 2023

Thank you. I hope we won't have to wait for months to find a specialist who will take on this puzzle that I have become.

by dailylaundry 08 Jan 2023

Just read this, Karen! So happy the tumor is benign and slow growing! Now, these zebra doctors need to figure out your pain! Constant pain will wear you out!! Please keep us updated, I continue my prayers for you - bunches and bunches of hugs, Laura

1 comment
02kar by 02kar 09 Jan 2023

Laura, how grateful I am for each and every hug and prayer.

by pennifold 08 Jan 2023

Dear Karen, sorry for not answering sooner as I'm still away on holidays. Only popping in occasionally. I'm so glad to read you've got good news re your tumour, but I do pray that the new doctors can get to the bottom of your pain issue in your lower left side. Our bodies are incredible things aren't they?
I loved the analogy of horses and zebras - just think that you are a special breed. Love Chris

1 comment
02kar by 02kar 08 Jan 2023

Chris, you make me laugh. And I need a laugh. I'm glad to hear you are still enjoying yourself out in the beautiful countryside. I guess I can say I'm unique, but I feel bad for the poor beautiful zebras having me compared to them. hehe The search for a doctor will be starting soon. I'm gratful to have several doctors who continue to work in my behalf.

by toogie 07 Jan 2023

My thoughts are to go on to the large facility and specialist to solve the pain issue and tumor removal. It seems anything that shouldn’t be there needs to come out bc that may be causing the pain. Maybe not the tumor itself hurting but the location it’s in could cause pain to my way of thinking.
Understand I’m not a licensed physician-lol- but I’m free-lol All jokes aside it’s good they found out it’s not cancerous but not good, nothing has changed so they haven’t fixed your problem.

1 comment
02kar by 02kar 08 Jan 2023

It's good to see you again. And I value your input too. I agree, we need to continue the search for a solution and that is what we are doing. The doctors have not given up on me. In fact, the GI, surgeon and radiologist are all on the same page with us. Now the key will be to find a specialist at a large facility who is willing to take me on his/her caseload.

by mariagiannina 07 Jan 2023

Thank God for the good news! Wishing you well, and hoping that the doctors can sort out your stomach pain .

1 comment
02kar by 02kar 07 Jan 2023

Thanks. I have a very persistent hubby and a couple of doctors who will keep the ball rolling.

by loriziegler 06 Jan 2023

Thank God for the wonderful news! You are such a nice and caring person who prays and helps us all even when you are in such pain yourself! I will keep you in my prayers and also pray that they get to the bottom and FIX your poor stomach! Hugs and love from PA!

1 comment
02kar by 02kar 07 Jan 2023

Thanks. It's so good to see you post. You should give us an update on how you are doing too.

by graceandham 06 Jan 2023

We don't usually get to see zebras up close, but they are unique and awesome and beautiful. I am dancing, too. Big cyber hug.

1 comment
02kar by 02kar 07 Jan 2023

Thanks. We got to see zebras and giraffes and other wonderful animals when we visited friends who were teaching in Kenya many years ago. I fell in love with zebras who made me laugh and giraffes who made me think of ballet dancers because their movements are so graceful. Thanks for the hugs too.

by crafter2243 Moderator 06 Jan 2023

Happy to read that the mass is benign. Hopefully the pain issue will be solved soon. Keeping you in my prayers.

1 comment
02kar by 02kar 07 Jan 2023

Thanks. The next step for the doctors is to find a doctor at a large facility who is willing to work me and my pain issues.

by jrob Moderator 06 Jan 2023

At least you can start marking things off your list. All one color, check.
Continuing my daily prayers for you sweet friend!

1 comment
02kar by 02kar 07 Jan 2023

Thanks. And you know I treasure each and every prayer uttered on my behalf.

by rescuer Moderator 06 Jan 2023

Sweet! No bad tumors!
Pain... and Zebra? Answers would be helpful--so prayers continue.

1 comment
02kar by 02kar 07 Jan 2023

I am grateful for the news. I think I'd rather be a horse under the circumstances, but grateful for the doctors who are willing to take on puzzling questions.

by asterixsew Moderator 06 Jan 2023

Karen this is excellent news, I am so happy for you. Next to get the pain issues resolved

1 comment
02kar by 02kar 07 Jan 2023

Thanks. I'm grateful for the doctors and their continued care. The journey continues.