by sewtired 10 Aug 2022

Not sure where this post should go. My computer logged me out of the Cute Embroidery site yesterday and when I went to log back in, my protection service informed me that if I logged in, my login info could be stolen. I risked it today, but it does have me concerned. Anyone else have a problem?


by 02kar Moderator 10 Aug 2022

I'm glad you posted this. I would be concerned too. Thanks, graceand ham for the help.

by graceandham 10 Aug 2022

Look at the top of your Cute page and see the triangle sign and "Not secure"? That's what your protection service is reading. It's been there for a few years now. If you're concerned about your login having been compromised, change it by pretending you forgot your login and then taking the link that comes in an email to change your login to something totally new. And write it down somewhere convenient!

1 comment
sewtired by sewtired 12 Aug 2022

Thank you, Sounds like a good idea.