by pennifold ( edited 03 Aug 2022 ) 03 Aug 2022

Hi Gals, I’ve just finished these 4 hand towels with Bee designs from Embroidery Library. I’ve left the days of the week off them. These are for the church fete in October but of course we won’t be there as we are in Italy for my birthday.

I was asked yesterday if I can make some shopping bags so I’ll give them a go. Wish me luck. Love Chris


by fannyfurkin 07 Aug 2022

They are lovely, Chris. I am sure they will sell like hotcakes at the fete.

by peafarm 06 Aug 2022

Very beautiful works of art. My yard did not have many bees of any kind either and reports of gardens are not doing too well food wise. We let the clover grow since it was too hot to mow and not hardly a single bee on anything. This is in KY, USA

by sebsews 05 Aug 2022

These are beautiful! Good to see you doing some embroidery! I am sure they will be a fast sell out. Looking forward to seeing your bags. Hugs, Suzanna

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 05 Aug 2022

Thanks Suzanna, yes, it's good to be back sewing, just for a while anyway, until Mum returns from South Australia. Jewls is having a tough time with her, I feel her pain. I'll post the bags when I can. Love Chris

by robertahilde 05 Aug 2022

The towels are gorgeous, with the pouches and the yet to came shopping bags they will be a great attraction, will sell easily at the fete bringing money to support such a needed cause. Very generous of you.
Hugs Roberta

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 05 Aug 2022

Thanks so much Roberta, I hope they sell well too. I've made 4 bags so far, but you know me, they've got to be lined and sturdy!!! Love Chris

by dragonflyer 04 Aug 2022

Beautiful job, Chris... I am sure they will help bring awareness to the bee crisis.

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 05 Aug 2022

Thanks Kim, I do so hope that will be the case. Love Chris

by worthy 04 Aug 2022

Those are so pretty and will be loved by whoever a fortunate to see first.
Bees seem to sure be popular this year.

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 05 Aug 2022

Thanks so much, yes we have a problem over here in Newcastle, where the Verroa mite has decimated all of Newcastle's beehives. Love Chris

by shirley124 04 Aug 2022

Love them, Hugs

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 05 Aug 2022

Thanks Shirley, love Chris

by 02kar Moderator 04 Aug 2022

Beautiful work for a very needed cause. I hope your efforts will make a huge difference.

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 05 Aug 2022

Thanks Karen, I hope so too. Love Chris

by dailylaundry 04 Aug 2022

So pretty - what a wonderful set - shopping bags would be great too!! Nice stitching!!!! Hugs!!!

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 04 Aug 2022

Thanks so much Laura, I've only made two so far. I've got a bad head cold (did a Rapid Antigen Test and I'm negative for Covid). I've got running eyes though as it's windy and I have dry eye syndrome, so they water more to keep them lubricated!!! Love Chris

by sonjapotgieter 04 Aug 2022

Stunning as always!!!

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 04 Aug 2022

Thanks so much Sonja, love Chris

by justonlyme 04 Aug 2022

Your work is beautiful. You have done a wonderful job, as always.
Shopping bags are easy to make. I made dozens of them for a bazaar before the pandemic ruined all of that.
Enjoy your trip!

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 04 Aug 2022

Thanks so much Deana, I've decided to make a lined bag about 17x17 and just lined with 22 inch straps. I'm making them in black and white fabric, they will hide dirty marks that way. Love Chris

by Mimita 03 Aug 2022

Towels look great. pouches are very nice, Are the from Embroidery Library too?

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 04 Aug 2022

Hello Mimita, no the pouches are from Kim on here (dragonflyer) Cute.

Thanks for commenting and if I haven't welcomed you here to Cute, a big Aussie welcome from me Chris, Newcastle, NSW, Australia. I've been on here for close to 12 years.