by basketkase 16 Jun 2022

These are 2 of the 3 kittens we rescued from our window well....Andi has them at school for her students to handle and she said they both purr like crazy while being handled and no more hissing whatsoever....yea! I have asked Andi to name one of them Angel, after someone very special and she confirmed that she will.....all is coming together! The 2nd pic is my first rescue in AR....this is Sally Salamander I rescued from our junk garbage was happy to get released!


by pennifold 18 Jun 2022

You have a heart of gold Vicki, God bless all that you do for these creatures. Great rescue of the Salamander and the kittens look so cute. Love Chris

by sewtired 17 Jun 2022

Lucky kittens, lucky salamander and lucky us that you share all this with us!

by sdrise 17 Jun 2022

So adorable... Our window well rescue Calico is going home today to her forever home. I have 12 kittens that just came in this week. 8 of them need tenderizing as you call it.
Now the both of them will have happy homes and not hugs have to struggle outside. Great job Vikki... hugs Suzanne

1 comment
basketkase by basketkase 19 Jun 2022

How old are the kittens? Andi said these guys are seeking love and attention now....her youngest daughter is having a ball playing with them....she is 5yrs old.....I love the face the torty

by 02kar Moderator 17 Jun 2022

Awww, they get cuter with every picture. I'm so glad you rescued them, and they are soon to be moving on to happy forever homes. And leave it to you to find another animal to rescue. I'm sure Sally was very happy to be rescued and quickly began chowing down on the insect population as a thank you.

by gerryvb 17 Jun 2022

oh these kittens look adorable, you do a great job, and the salamander can go oin his way again...great !!