by 02kar Moderator 24 Feb 2022

Is it me, or is the spam in emails much worse? I'm so tired of having to block what seems like 20 emails a day. Gee, if I took advantage of all they offer, I would have my 50 knees in perfect working order. Where would I manage to put the 20 free TVs and how I would I use all of the 100 phones they have offered me? Can you tell I am tired of this nonsense?


by pennyhal2 26 Feb 2022

Pop Ups, avertising letters, spam, robo calls, etc. are the bain of our lift nowadays.

I did, however, throw away a letter from Med Life. My brain told me to open it, so I got it out and did. The letter said that I had inheirted some money from someone I didn't know. I called Med Life (several times) and told them that. The clarified that I was the person named in the will. I ended up hiring a PI to find out who this person was. The PI foundthat he never lived in the same state I live in, and I never lived in a state he lived in. The PI offered to contact his family which I did not do. That could be opening a can of worms. A check arrived in the mail and I put it in the bank in a separate account..."just incase." That was years ago and I still have no clue who this person is.

Be careful what you throw out...

by AuntAnnie 25 Feb 2022

Yes, this past week I have been received more spam than usual. I fear one of our "favorite" sites has sold our e-mail addresses.

by sebsews 25 Feb 2022

How about this one, I received 3 emails regarding toilet bowl cleaner. Each one was for $400. So, I paid according to them $1200! Thats a lot of dirty toilets! Of course, I did not respond. I hope you have a great day free of the spammers, Suzanna.

by awesome1 25 Feb 2022

One day recently I blocked and deleted 82 spams!

by toogie 24 Feb 2022

I am offended on a site I go to. I tried contacting them where it says Contact Us but after I write my message and hit send, it says message can't be sent. ugh
I am offended because it is advertising for Lucifer's Occult.
I contacted a sister site by phone and then next day, when it still was there, by email. I was told they would let their manager know. Advertisement is still there. Four to be exact....I just opened it in a new tab and they are still up 3 days later.

by sewmadau 24 Feb 2022

We get a lot spam emails, sometimes my finger feels numb, I usually say I have RSI of the delete finger. "G" I do have to laugh at a couple that seem to come often, I never open them but you can read the first few words, the one I am talking about is offering me a free Russian experience, me at my tender years,. LOL The other one that is a real pest is from the PO advising me I have a parcel, if you open that one it causes heaps of problems and you will need a techy to sort out the mess, how do I know one of my friends was expecting a parcel and she opened it, of course I never do but yes it is annoying.

by crafter2243 Moderator 24 Feb 2022

Yahoo seems to know what Spam is and puts it in a folder. All I do is go over them and then click one box on the top and they are all gone. My google e-mail seems to know what spam is and I get 2-3 a month. Of course when I check on websites ,and if the want my e-mail before I can see what they offer, I back out. Long long time ago I was told if you unsubscribe just verifies a valid address.
If I were you I would open new email address and inform only the people in your contact list that are important.

by asterixsew Moderator 24 Feb 2022

Mmmm do you block email contacts that spam you or not? If I comment O dont want to be spammed but I will admit that I dont have as many as you a day.

by graceandham 24 Feb 2022

Oh, it's me, too, I'm wondering if AOL would eventually clean out my Spam folder if I don't. Time is money and that can be twenty minutes a day. What's really bad is, seems like it's the same twenty repeatedly, with a few others sprinkled in that are new, so that if I skip a few days I have 4 repeats of some of these irritators. Be very wary.

graceandham by graceandham 24 Feb 2022

P.S. The update on my Microsoft Edge yesterday did not take e 2-3 minutes, but rather 48 minutes. That was a lot of fixes and preventatives. REALLY scary.

sewist1 by sewist1 25 Feb 2022

Hope it was a genuine update because they have been warning about this:

Edge updates automatically in Windows 10 . If you get a message asking you to update it is likely a scam. Fortunately I declined the update message before I received the warning.