by hightechgrammy 10 Jul 2021

This is just too funny for anyone who has ever been challenged by parallel parking.


by babash 10 Jul 2021

Had to laugh when the woman who was helping her finally get parked then jumped in her own car and drove off. If she had said wait a minute I am going it would have been all so easy and I guess not as funny.

by 02kar Moderator 10 Jul 2021

If at first you don't succeed... Kudos to her the driver for not giving up. And yes, I have always hated parallel parking.

by marianb 10 Jul 2021

😂 So funny but many times so true, but at least she made it in without damaging either car.

by mariagiannina 10 Jul 2021

That is so funny! I can remember learning to drive years ago, and learning to do parallel parking. I don't think I've done one parallel park since!!