by basketkase 25 Jun 2021

This was on our side door stoop......didn't know what it was til Andi told me it was a cicada.......this is the first one I have ever seen close up......I told Andi it sat like this for well over an hour, she said it was hanging on his shell waiting for his wings to dry.......


by airyfairy 28 Jun 2021

Just an amazing creature

by pennifold 26 Jun 2021

Hi Vicki, that is a beautiful Cicada.

We get them here every November and sometimes you can't hear yourself talking as they are so loud.

We have cherry nose, brown baker, red eye, greengrocer, yellow Monday, whisky drinker, double drummer, and black prince. The Australian greengrocer, the one that Judy (killiecrankie) commented on is among the loudest insects in the world. Love Chris

1 comment
tuross by tuross 28 Jun 2021

Chris how on earth do you know all that. I live in OZ and did even know there was more than one type. Clever girl. Lynne C

by killiecrankie 26 Jun 2021

A sure sign that summer has arrived.There are several different types,the only one I can think off at the moment is green grocer.
Better than finding mice.Western New South Wales has a mouse plague even snow has done little to slow done the rodents.

by shirley124 25 Jun 2021

They make such a noise when the sun is out. I have tinnitus and that is what it sounds like. Hugs

by crafter2243 Moderator 25 Jun 2021

I heard a lot about them in he news lately. Never knew anything about them before.

by 02kar Moderator 25 Jun 2021

Oh my! I haven't seen any here so far.

by gerryvb 25 Jun 2021

wow....what size does it have?

1 comment
basketkase by basketkase 25 Jun 2021

it's huge, fact we thought that it had killed a spider and was eating it, but then found out that was his was at least a couple inches long...