by queenofhearts 14 May 2021

I recently bought a new machine and I ordered some optional hoops for it. There are some items that were included that I have no idea what they are to be used for. Can anyone tell me what these little strips are for? There were no instructions included.

2 images:



by mrskiki 16 May 2021

Is the second pic possibly a hooping/placement grid? Does not really say but that is what it looks like to me. Hugs. Nan

by zoefzoef 16 May 2021

I also didn't know this.. does anybody uses this ? Is this practical ?

by queenofhearts 14 May 2021

I knew I could count on a Cutie for an answer. Here is what I found on Amazon.

by graceandham 14 May 2021

When you use all these and need more, little girl ponytail covered rubber bands work, too.

by pcteddyb 14 May 2021

They are spool huggers - used to keep threads from unraveling.

1 comment
queenofhearts by queenofhearts 14 May 2021

Thank you. I couldn't figure out how they could be used with the hoops.

by babash 14 May 2021

Could be thread holders to stop thread coming off the reel when not in use or for bobbins.

1 comment
queenofhearts by queenofhearts 14 May 2021

Thank you.