by hightechgrammy 23 Feb 2021

I am wanting to stitch some of Yoriko's adorable little zip purses. So miss her so much! Do any of you have the directions for any? I think they are pretty much the same for most of them.... I have the designs, just need the directions. I used to just go to her site and redownload the directions.. So sad, she would always be so kind. Did anyone continue with her store?


getEdited - SELECT
by pcteddyb edited 24 Feb 2021

She is very much missed - which zipper purse are you looking at - I will see if I have the instructions (I have most of her site). Please in-box me so I remember to look for you!

by sharonleekesner 24 Feb 2021

I have the jeans purse, that is from Sue and a cat and an alphabet ith purse set. If it is any of those I will happily send you the instructions.

by gerryvb 24 Feb 2021

I cannot help you with the instructions, but thank you for putting up Yoroko's avatar here. She was a very talented and sweet lady, I think many of us still miss her, well I do for sure.....

by 02kar Moderator 24 Feb 2021

I hope you are able to find the directions. I know anything Yoriko or Sue digitized will stitch out beautifully. I too miss Yoriko. She was an amazing person and digitizer.

by mops Moderator 24 Feb 2021

I just looked in my files and noticed I have only one of those designs. It came as a zip file I never opened, but that turned out to contain about 8 different embroidery formats plus a pdf-file with instructions.
Are your files unzipped? Have a look, the instructions should be in the zip.

1 comment
hightechgrammy by hightechgrammy 10 Sep 2021

Thanks, I'll look for the zip files...

by graceandham 23 Feb 2021

Don't know if it's still there, but at one point her site name was back up with all her designs - stolen. So, you may not want to patronize a thief!

hightechgrammy by hightechgrammy 23 Feb 2021

Oh MY!!! That is terrible!!! When did this happen? I thought she could have sold it to someone! Poor Yoriko!

mops by mops 24 Feb 2021

The name is now used by an Indonesian Embroidery shop. They do not sell any designs but offer embroidery service.

asterixsew by asterixsew 24 Feb 2021

Betsy thanks for adding that. I had thought that that had happened but it was late as I posted and deleted it incase I was incorrect

hightechgrammy by hightechgrammy 10 Sep 2021

That is just sooo cruel to steel from sweet Yoriko!

by asterixsew Moderator 23 Feb 2021

Hi Jan. Sorry I cannot help but just wanted to comment on Yoriko. I have had a tidy up of my emails today and was reading ones that she was so ill then that there would be no surgery, what a woman and a huge loss to the embroidery world too with her great designs. Where some of the purses designed by Spendlove/Sue if so I suggest you contact her for help. Look forewords to seeing what you create

1 comment
hightechgrammy by hightechgrammy 23 Feb 2021

We all really miss her. She was always so nice to thank people for every kindness shown her, even comments. She always responded. Her designs showed the extra care she always used to make her designs just right for her patrons. What a classy lady - through and through. I miss her....