by mi30kaja 01 Nov 2020

May I ask your opinion. My friend wanted me to make her a cat for a door stop but in between seeing her she changed her mind to a bear. I suggested she buy the wool for her to choose the colours. I was so sad when she gave me the wool. These are the colours she chose to be crouched in this sequence. I have finished all but putting it together as I have to think about inserting something heavy in the body so he won't keep falling over as he will be a door stop. This is just the head. What are your thoughts of the colour combinations? The green is much brighter than the photo shows.


by rachap 04 Nov 2020

I think he is pretty cute! Maybe she has those colors in the room she is going to use it in, I have heard of using crushed walnut shells to weight stuffed animals down,

1 comment
mi30kaja by mi30kaja 05 Nov 2020

Have sent my friend a photo and she can't wait to have him home. I had the stones already here so that was easiest for me.

by jenne 04 Nov 2020

He is darlin' well done.

1 comment
mi30kaja by mi30kaja 04 Nov 2020

Thank You.

by pennifold 04 Nov 2020

Well done Lynne, the bear looks fantastic. I love the finished size of him too further down this post. Love Chris

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mi30kaja by mi30kaja 04 Nov 2020

Thanks Chris.

by dailylaundry 03 Nov 2020

Oh, I love how the bear turned out!! I agree I would have chosen different colors - but perhaps it will go with a throw rugs or something like that! The head was cute - but the entire bear is wonderful! Great job! Hugs, Laura

mi30kaja by mi30kaja 03 Nov 2020

Think my friend is going to use it for a door stop.

dailylaundry by dailylaundry 03 Nov 2020

I think you did a great job on it - it is adorable!!

by sewtired 03 Nov 2020

I love your bear, though I agree, the colors are not ones I would have chosen. It's still a pleasure to behold.

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mi30kaja by mi30kaja 03 Nov 2020

So glad it is finished.

by stork 03 Nov 2020

I think it is a very cute piece. Great job! Tonya

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mi30kaja by mi30kaja 03 Nov 2020

Thank You.

by 02kar Moderator 03 Nov 2020

I love the finished bear. And I no longer find the green to be distracting. I think it is a work of art. So are you going to make more animals or start a completely new project?

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mi30kaja by mi30kaja 03 Nov 2020

The green in the pic is not the actual colour but changed with my phone camera. Still think my Barney (browns) is much nicer.

by cfidl 03 Nov 2020

The bear is quite adorable. I want to show my daughter. You have different numbers of groups in each section and it is fabulous!

1 comment
mi30kaja by mi30kaja 03 Nov 2020

In this pattern there are only Pentagons and Hexagons. There are others who have 7 clusters and even 8 clusters.

by asterixsew Moderator 03 Nov 2020

Your finished bear looks beautiful and his new mum will be delighted with your work

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mi30kaja by mi30kaja 03 Nov 2020

I hope she likes it. Fingers Crossed.

by mi30kaja 03 Nov 2020

The bear is finished but I am not 100% happy with it. Guess I wasn't happy with the choice of colours to begin with but at least it is now complete. Can't wait to hand it over at the end of the month. I have craft stones in the base of the body as
my friend wants to use it as a door stop. I thought I would have problems getting the needle through the stones to secure the hind legs but the needle went through without any dramas. What to do next?

toogie by toogie 03 Nov 2020

Don't fret, it looks good and she should be well pleased. She picked the colors and you won't see it after she gets it-wink,wink

mi30kaja by mi30kaja 03 Nov 2020

I sent her the pic of the head and she seemed pleased.

shirley124 by shirley124 03 Nov 2020

It is beautiful. She will love it for sure.

crafter2243 by crafter2243 03 Nov 2020

Wow the final result s awesome

stock by stock 04 Nov 2020

he is beautiful the colours look ok...wendy

by mooie24 02 Nov 2020

Going to be a gorgeous bear .. perhaps the lady is like me and loves having matching colours :-)
I'm often asked to embroider some terrible colours together.. but its just my opinion lol

mi30kaja by mi30kaja 02 Nov 2020

This is a beautiful pattern and I have found it so easy to do. I just hope she likes it. can't wait for her reaction.

mooie24 by mooie24 04 Nov 2020

OH WOW .. You finished bear is gorgeous.. reminds me of Laura Ashley colors.. well done you
big hugs from London xx

by 02kar Moderator 02 Nov 2020

I think you are creating an incredible bear with your talent. It may not be the colors we would like (I admit I would be choosing the actual colors of a bear), but I think when it is done and in place it will look better than you think. I agree with crafter, a rock or a brick would work in stabilizing it when it is done. I hope you will post the finished project.

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mi30kaja by mi30kaja 02 Nov 2020

I will certainly take a photo as I do with all of my projects so now can't wait to give it to her and see how she feels about it. Thank You for your kind words.

by vkggal 02 Nov 2020

I think what matters is whether it is meant to be artsy or realistic. She probably was looking for an accent, useful piece. While it is hard to work on something that doesn't look or feel right to us, it will probably please her very much. Your work is beautiful. Take comfort in knowing that you did what she asked for.

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mi30kaja by mi30kaja 02 Nov 2020

Millie, Thankyou. I should have it all together today. I have my Bear "Barney" sitting alongside me as I am assembling this green bear. I am interested in what the others in the group think.

by crafter2243 Moderator 01 Nov 2020

It definitely looks like a bear. Since she chose the colors she must like them. It is hard to work on something when it is not appealing to your eyes. You did what she wanted. Would you be able to put a rock on the bottom to make the bear heavy enough?

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mi30kaja by mi30kaja 02 Nov 2020

I have added some small craft stones in a bag and added then with the stuffing. It seems heavy so hope it works.

by pennifold 01 Nov 2020

It looks magnificent Lynne, not colours I would choose for a bear, but as Toogie says it might be matching something else. You are very creative and I'm sure your friend will love it. Love Chris

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mi30kaja by mi30kaja 02 Nov 2020

Thanks Chris. I was surprised and disappointed when she have me the wool as she is more a white, beige, brown Lady. Just hope she likes it.

by toogie 01 Nov 2020

I recognized it as the bear head. I don’t think it’s hideous, because I do like greens. I’m not sure I would have chosen this color for a bear 🐻 But maybe she was matching to colors she already has, where she will place this. You did a great job.

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mi30kaja by mi30kaja 02 Nov 2020

I love greens also but not this green. Not 100% sure where she will seat it but we are meeting at her place at the end of the month.

by robertahilde 01 Nov 2020

Colours are a very personal choice, sometime what is beautiful for somebody is less attractive for others (I dislike pink). Regardless of the colours combination you did a wonderful job as usual. She will love it!
Hugs - Roberta

mi30kaja by mi30kaja 01 Nov 2020

Thank You Roberta. Not only did I dislike the colours but the wool even though the same brand were just so different. The Brown and Blue were from India and beautiful to work with and the Beige and Green were made in China and these just split all the time and had so many flaws and knots in the ball.

pennifold by pennifold 01 Nov 2020

I'm with you Roberta, don't like Pink at all and Browns!! Love Chris

by asterixsew Moderator 01 Nov 2020

Sometimes it is very hard when we are handed the bits to make for someone who is often a friend. You have created a bear head. Often those who dont have our skills expect miracles and you have created a miracle. Also we are often very hard on ourselves. You have brought to mind that many moons ago I made a outfit for a friend to wear as her going away outfit, she chose maroon nylon fabric and it was hideous, totally hideous. I made it up and still felt the same about it. She loved it. Your friend will love this. Right its bedtime in Wales.

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mi30kaja by mi30kaja 01 Nov 2020

I was so disappointed when I saw the colours chosen. Never mind the bear has been crocheted and now just has to be assembled then it is hers.