by asterixsew Moderator 04 Oct 2020

One of those questions where you dont know the answer and cant find it in the operation manual.

How much space does the Brother V3 require from a wall? I am not wanting to damage a new machine nor do I wish to punch a hole into my neighbours wall. I know she is a good friend but this would be taking friendship to a different level. I am hoping to put my new machine in the place my Galaxie sat/lived/we worked together. Thanks Cuties


by asterixsew Moderator 04 Oct 2020

Thanks for
The replies so far my problem is that the table may be too small. The machine is heavy so I don’t want to set it up until I know measurements.

by mops Moderator 04 Oct 2020

Just take your largest hoop, and hold the right bottom edge corner so it touches your embroidery foot. If you can do that without touching the wall you know you are far enough out, your needle never gets to any of the edges when in use.
If necessary do the same to see how much space need on the left.
My machine is placed on a corner table, so I checked all sides to make sure.

by crafter2243 Moderator 04 Oct 2020

I suppose it depends on the size of the hoop you are using. I would put the machine in a safe space, add a large pattern and frame and test it by using the needle forward.