by sewtired 12 Feb 2020

Not sure where this should go. I was looking at a site and I saw a picture that was identified as a Cute Embroidery design along with pictures from other sites. I downloaded the zip file to check it out and sure enough the embroidery design was also identified as a cute embroidery design. I know this is illegal. Besides deleting the file, what should I do?


by jrob Moderator 14 Feb 2020

Thank you for posting the link to us. The owner has now been notified.

by cfidl 12 Feb 2020

I think I visited that site once and realized the same as you did. I have not returned.

by asterixsew Moderator 12 Feb 2020

Send a pm to the moderators and test, give a link or name the site please and thanks

1 comment
rescuer by rescuer 12 Feb 2020

Copy and paste the next line to contact all of us via PM.

test, spendlove, asterixsew, 02kar, crafter2243, jrob, mops