by lbrow 07 Feb 2020

Here I go again for 3rd try. Daughters# 1&2 sick on cruise. #1 4th day, #2 a day and half later . Home 10 days later me. We all tested positive for type A Flu. We are still coughing but much much better. Cp bit he dust. 3 days ago SNL took me to Unclaimed Baggage Store and I now have a 5x7 Apple I pad. Just have to learn my way around on it. Daughter#3 went into her surgery on the large tumor on her kidney. Surgery was to be 3 hrs.. 2 hrs later find out she is in recovery, No Surgery. She had bad reactions to IV meds prior to the surgery. Rescheduled her again at Vanderbilt Hosp in Nashville, TN for Feb 14. This is daughter that lives in Ky.. As you can see 2020 has started out with a bang. Oh forgot to mention I'm scheduled for surgery on my face, left cheek, cancer. Surgeon says he will slice 'till no CA cells show up in lab. Anyway just another month in my life. I'm still. PTL for blessings though,with every adversity I grow stronger in the Lord. I've missed you all and believe it or not still got some sewing and embroidery done . I'll get the hang of this Ipad sooner or later. Much love! Lillian PS I keep right on smiling. Better days are coming!!


by noah 15 Feb 2020

I got i pad and it is in the cupboard :(:(

by pennifold 09 Feb 2020

Wow! what a month for you already. I'm so glad to read that you have got an Ipad, they are such a great device to keep in touch. Of course the phone is just as good too, but a bit more fiddly than an Ipad.
I do pray that you are all on the mend now and that your health continues to improve. Good luck for your upcoming operation on your face. Miss you too, love Chris

by noah 08 Feb 2020

Yes thats the key keep smiling makes people wonder what u been up to lol hugsxxxxx

by toogie 08 Feb 2020

Mrs Lillian you are a great witness. I think I would like an IPad but like you, I’d have to get used to it. In a perfect world no one would ever be sick but unfortunately that’s not in this life. Sending love, hugs and kisses-Toogie

by sdrise 08 Feb 2020

Prayers are still coming your way for you and the family.

by maleah 08 Feb 2020

Sending you and your family some prayers and log distance hugs. Actually, we are not that long distance. I live about 100 miles from Nashville. GOd Bless...

by gerryvb 08 Feb 2020

hope these better days will come very soon for you and family. My prayers , thoughts and hugs are coming your way ❤

by cfidl 07 Feb 2020

I m sitting here with heat pads on my hands because it is so cold and my hands hurt so. I did stitch a bit today, after I wiped the dust off my machine. I have doctor's appointment next week, hopefully good news will come from it. Hope all is well with you and yours next time you chime in.

lbrow by lbrow 07 Feb 2020

Bless you. I know what that is like. My hands love the heating pads also.

cfidl by cfidl 07 Feb 2020

It has stopped snowing and we are expecting sunshine tomorrow and then more snow. This was the first time this year I used my usb heating gloves, so I really should not complain. I also have a foot warmer in my bed. I use that one a lot.

by crafter2243 Moderator 07 Feb 2020

Oh Miss Lillian. I sure hope the remainder of 2020 will go better. That is a lot to deal with. I am keeping you and your family in my prayers.

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by rescuer Moderator edited 07 Feb 2020

My goodness! You sure keep a "full plate" in your life! I do hope all goes well.
Be sure to check in and keep us posted with your health.
Prayers for you and yours

by stork 07 Feb 2020

Wow! Prayers for you and your family. Sure has been a "year" for you already!

by asterixsew Moderator 07 Feb 2020

What a start to 2020 you and your family have had. I hope that life improves rapidly for all of you. Enjoy your new ipad and positive thoughts for you from the UK

by dragonflyer 07 Feb 2020

What a time you have had! Hope you all are feeling better soon...

by graceandham 07 Feb 2020

Wow! That's a lot to deal with Lillian, or try to. So you've got your Valentine's Day all thought out. A day to remember the loves of your life and a day of prayer. And you wondered what would be doing to fill the time after losing your beloved husband. I had a friend who dragged me to the Unclaimed Baggage Store years ago. She was a gemologist and helped me to buy some lovely jewelry. You'll love the ipad once you get acquainted. What will you think of next to fill your days? Been reading a great book - new writer to me - Ann Voskamp, The Broken Way. A wonderful book for anyone you know who is going through hurt and upheaval. Very encouraging for believers and non. Big hug from me to you over the miles.

1 comment
cfidl by cfidl 07 Feb 2020

Love your response. Thanks