by vickiannette 09 Dec 2019

Does everyone use a 'surge protector power board' with their sewing/embroidery machine? I never have, but wondering if I need to. PS Merry Christmas everyone xx


by jowat 10 Dec 2019

I have one on my computer/printer, sewing machine and TV/box and DVD player. I live in Sheffield and when it was flooded some years ago the floods hit the power station and the surge protector saved my computer as I was working on it at the time the station blew. Well worth having one on expensive electrical items.

by vickiannette 10 Dec 2019

Thankyou everyone. Merry Christmas to you all.

by theduchess 09 Dec 2019

And always buy one that has the most jules.

by stork 09 Dec 2019

Yes, I use one for my sewing machines and I do not leave them plugged in when not in use.

1 comment
Sewmum1 by Sewmum1 10 Dec 2019

I too unplug my machines from the wall as soon as I am done using them for the day.

by sewtired 09 Dec 2019

Yes, my machine and computer are hooked up to a battery back-up surge protector at all times. I've also been told that to protect my surge protector, I should turn it off and unplug it when I'm not using my machines. I rarely think to do that, except during a ferocious thunder storm. As others said, get a reliable one.

by AuntAnnie 09 Dec 2019

Yes! and for another reason than just protection. I have used a battery back-up/surge protector unit for my computer for many years and have a sufficient number of "slots" to include my embroidery machine (although I'm not sure how much stored power would be needed to complete a design).

by graceandham 09 Dec 2019

Yes and if your surge protector line light is blinking, the surge protection is ruined and you now have a multi-plug extension cord.

by sharonleekesner 09 Dec 2019

Yes, surge protector with battery backup.

by fabricfairy 09 Dec 2019

My son is a Bernina Tech , ans always tells everyone to run their machines on , Surge Protector, I have all mine connected to them .

by mrskiki 09 Dec 2019

Yes all my machines are on surge protectors. And you should invest in good ones, not a cheapie from wherever. Hugs. Nan

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by asterixsew Moderator edited 09 Dec 2019

Yes I do.
The make that I have has a guarantee for having expensive bits of stuff on the end of them like our embroidery machines should anything go wrong. I have tried to find out more details but at the moment a unable.

by marianb 09 Dec 2019

Most definitely I have them on all my machines. Merry Christmas to you and yours.

by Sewmum1 09 Dec 2019

Definitely! Our machines are worth too much to risk not using one and it would be more hassle than the cost of a surge protector to be without a machine if something happened. So for peace of mind it is worth investing in one.

by pennifold 09 Dec 2019

ALWAYS!!! Vicki, love to you and Merry Christmas to you, love Chris

1 comment
vickiannette by vickiannette 10 Dec 2019

And to you too Chris xx

by parkermom 09 Dec 2019

I do. We live in a rural area, and sometimes our power blinks or fades. I feel safer with the surge protector.