by Midnight1 20 Mar 2019

Table topper and mug rug. Snowman is Cute Embroidery Designs and Snowflake is from Embroidery Library

First attempt to post so hope I am doing it correctly


by blueeyedblonde 23 Mar 2019

Very pretty!

by elemausi 22 Mar 2019

Lovely work.

by toogie 21 Mar 2019

Good job!

by sonjapotgieter 21 Mar 2019

Lovely Job done..Gorgeous!!!

1 comment
Midnight1 by Midnight1 21 Mar 2019

Thank you

by sebsews 21 Mar 2019

Very nice job!

1 comment
Midnight1 by Midnight1 21 Mar 2019

Thank you

by lilylady 21 Mar 2019

Both your projects turned out very nice.

1 comment
Midnight1 by Midnight1 21 Mar 2019

I love to embroider

by jrob Moderator 21 Mar 2019

I L O V E your table topper! That is so pretty. You stitched and posted perfectly. Congratulations! More, more, more.

1 comment
Midnight1 by Midnight1 21 Mar 2019

Thank you

by noah 20 Mar 2019

Welcome and i love your designs nice job hugs:))

1 comment
Midnight1 by Midnight1 21 Mar 2019

Have been only a viewer You are an inspiration in all you do.

by pennifold 20 Mar 2019

Well done on both projects. I'm a real Christmas fan! Love Chris

1 comment
Midnight1 by Midnight1 21 Mar 2019

Thank you. Most what I do get given away. This one I think I will keep

by crafter2243 Moderator 20 Mar 2019

Great job stitching and posting. I love both of them.

1 comment
Midnight1 by Midnight1 21 Mar 2019

Thank you.

by dragonflyer 20 Mar 2019

Lookin' good! Great projects, too!

1 comment
Midnight1 by Midnight1 21 Mar 2019

Thank you. T

by rescuer Moderator 20 Mar 2019

Well done!
Congratulations on your first successful post in Projects too!

1 comment
Midnight1 by Midnight1 21 Mar 2019

Thank you. i look at all the projects that get posted. All so beautiful. This is my favorite sight.