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by airyfairy ( edited 06 Jan 2018 ) 05 Jan 2018

A few months ago I realised that I was putting on weight and feeling very bloated. I decided in October to do something about it. I have been successful and have lost the 8 kgs I wanted to loose. Imagine how I felt when visiting a 'friend' this morning that said I “looked 10 years older”. Admittedly my face has lost weight but I am so upset with the comment. 😢

I cannot believe the posts I have received from you all. I was terribly upset yesterday and each and everyone of you have been so uplifting. I thank you all.
Meganne asked how? As any body knows who has tried to loose weight, ones head needs to be right.
It was not difficult. I gave up bread a while ago as it was not agreeing with me. Also, no sugar, rice, pasta. I also cut down on fruit which is the love of my life. Basically smaller portions. Over Christmas I ate everything, including Christmas cake and pudding but just a small portion.
Now comes the hard bit - keeping the weight off!!!
Next week I am going to our ladies fitness center and see what they recomend. If I was younger I would also have an op but with good underwear you can cover up a multitude of lumps and bumps.
Thank you again fellow Cuties. You are all wonderful friends.


by graceandham 07 Jan 2018

I googled "convert kg to pounds" and ladies, this is 17.5 pounds, quite impressive.

1 comment
airyfairy by airyfairy 08 Jan 2018

Thank you for the conversion

by babash 06 Jan 2018

Thanks for telling us how you lost the weight. I think everyone would like to get some off.
As for your friend she possibly didn't even think what she said was rude. If you are like me I would get home and think I should have said something to tell her I was hurt by her remarks.
Treat yourself to a new hair do and a get fit outfit that makes you look a million dollars and SMILE SMILE SMILE.

by jenne 06 Jan 2018

I think it is great that you have lost weight, my daughter is heavy so I know how hard that is to do congrads, Some people just say what ever come to mind, we needed to be careful in the words we use, word can wound, I have a picture of me and my sister sitting on my computer desk , and my friend said,: I can;t believed that is you." of course the picture was taken when I was younger.As we get old we all age including even her. .

1 comment
airyfairy by airyfairy 07 Jan 2018

Good point

by Sewmum1 06 Jan 2018

Some people don't realise how insensitive their remarks can be once spoken, try not to take it to heart. Well done on reaching your goal. That's an amazing achievement, especially with Christmas celebrations in the middle!

by gramt 06 Jan 2018

With friends like that who needs enemies.

by killiecrankie 06 Jan 2018

That was a nasty thing to say.Congratulations on your achievement.
Your body will appreciate the weight lose & your doctor will be happy to see that you have the will power to achieve it.
Your health may improve too ,if you have any medical problems , less pills to take.

by parkermom 05 Jan 2018

I am sorry you were hurt by a thoughtless remark. I'm so glad you were able to achieve your goal, and achieving that goal is the result of hard work and determination. Be proud of yourself!

by katydid 05 Jan 2018

Come back with how much better you feel and how much energy you have. Go to exercise classes and work off the wrinkles. Love , Kay

by tinfriend 05 Jan 2018

CONGRATULATIONS on your fantastic achievement! Ignore the negative remarks as I agree with all the comments posted as I also think it may just be jealously!!
I too have lost a lot of weight on my own over the last 24 months (25kgs) by cutting out certain items (NO STRICT diet!) - decided to do it for myself as I was overweight & depressed as had a lot going on in my life with family issues & losing my parents etc etc! I feel great and now going to have surgery soon to remove excess skin which is not covered by our Medical Aid but my beloved & generous hubby is paying for these 2 operations!!
Hold your head up high and celebrate your weight loss!! HUGS

katydid by katydid 05 Jan 2018

Before you have surgery,try exercise classes to tone up. I especially recommend Pilates.

tinfriend by tinfriend 06 Jan 2018

I have - am having my arm 'flags' removed plus stomach - damage from 2 caesarean sections the last 33+ years ago - severe muscle damage from the first one as it was an emergency op! Nothing can be done & STILL having problems with the scar!! My Dr recommended surgery!

tinfriend by tinfriend 06 Jan 2018

Nearly lost my first son due to Dr stupidity!!! Hence the emergency caesarean!! Extreme scar as they battled for 20 mins to get my son out 35 years ago!!!

airyfairy by airyfairy 06 Jan 2018

Have sent you a PM

by jgwatchorn 05 Jan 2018

Negative comments are not needed when you have a positive outcome!!
I know you will feel heaps better for it, please treat yourself for the effort of losing weight. Set a goal for the next weight loss. Enjoy!!

by shirley124 05 Jan 2018

Congratulations on the weight loss. I wish I could lose some. Hugs

by dander324 05 Jan 2018

My mom lost a bunch of weight and it made her look older because she now looks old and frail. I asked her how many skinny old ladies does she see or know (mom is 78). Then I reminded her that now she has no fat reserve is she gets sick. Be careful with weight loss and age.

by irenewayne 05 Jan 2018

Sarah please don't take her comment to heart. Good on you for your weight loss & commitment to do so. I envy you. Enjoy the new you & find a better friend.You don't need this kind of person in your life. Go Girl. Irene

by sewtired 05 Jan 2018

Sometimes after a large weight loss, the skin takes time to catch up. Ignore your "friend's" comment and be proud of what you have accomplished. Maybe pay some lavish attention to your skin now and then you can glow about your achievement. Congratulations, and I am envious as this is something I need to do and can't seem to keep focused on.

by kustomkuddle 05 Jan 2018

The only thing that matters is how you feel. Some people just can't be happy for the success of others and have to say something derogatory in order to feel good about themselves. kuddos to you!

by Leaha 05 Jan 2018

How rude! Don't pay any attention to this 'friend's' comment, I know that is easier said then done. We love you because of who you are, the same way your family the most important ones do! I for one am very proud of you. I'm sure you don't look older just better and she was extremely jealous of your success. Besides 'airyfairies' don't get older they just get lighter and float higher. You soar girl! I'll send you hugs as you are so high I can't quite reach you. hugs and ****s to you :~)

1 comment
airyfairy by airyfairy 06 Jan 2018

You have reduced me to tears - good tears with your comment. Thank you from the bottom of my heart ❤️

by ansienaude 05 Jan 2018

well done with your weight loss.....ignore negative remarks as long as you are happy within yourself keep on smiling

by zoefzoef 05 Jan 2018

Sarah, don't bother what others are saing. I bet you feel so much better now... ps : send me the guide how to do it ! Rgds

by graceandham 05 Jan 2018

Some people just can't recognize the change except to offer a posit on what the change is. More than once I lost 10-30 pounds and my brother would say, hey, haven't you gotten new glasses? He just recognized there was a change, but couldn't for the life of him figure out what it was! Congratulations on your success -- and even through the holidays!

by basketkase 05 Jan 2018

How incredibly rude and crude....all that matters is how well you feel! It always amazes me that some people have no filter...

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by 8289958 edited 05 Jan 2018

Congrats on the weight loss!! I bet your friend is jealous! Seriously, who says that to someone and still calls themselves a "friend"? Don't take it to heart!!! She simply wishes she had lost weight!!!! You are amazing!!!

by gramsbear 05 Jan 2018

Loosing weight is a hard thing to do! Especially over Thanxgiving and Christmas!!! Accept the fact that your "Friend" was just jealous, and don't let it BUG you!!! Just keep off that extra weight!!! You'll feel better in the end, and you do NOT want to have to loose it again!!! Hugs & Kudos to you Girlfriend!!! Judy...

by crafter2243 Moderator 05 Jan 2018

You go girl and keep up the good work. Never mind the insensitive remark. Be proud of your accomplishment

by meganne 05 Jan 2018

OH dear Sarah that' wasn't nice, but take heart, many years ago my mother in law said almost the exact same thing to me, when I lost weight after finding out her son, my husband, had been cheating on me.
This was only six weeks after the birth of our first son and I was devastated.
She said I looked haggard and drawn and ten years older, I wonder why??? :-)
You may have just lost the weight a little too quickly but hey, at least you have lost it and should be applauded for that.

Now how did you do it?
huge hugs n roses, xxx

by lbrow 05 Jan 2018

Hmmm I smell JEALOUSY Sarah. Kudos to you for losing and accomplishing what you set out to do. I do believe a really " good friend" would have praised you instead of making you feel as she did. Much love Lillian

by dragonflyer 05 Jan 2018

Well, congratulations to you, Sarah...and shame on your friend for such an insensitive remark...I agree with the others...I think just green with envy!

by jrob Moderator 05 Jan 2018

I think your 'friend' may be envious of your accomplishment. Congratulations on making your goal.

by michemb 05 Jan 2018

congratulation, not easy losing weight and even harder as we age. What is important is how YOU feel and not others. Enjoy your new look,

by jofrog2000 05 Jan 2018

Congratulations on your weight loss, not an easy journey. I hope you told her how rude she was. Some people just don't think before opening their mouths.

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by gerryvb edited 05 Jan 2018

I can imagine you are upset. Well I say : great job to loose so much weight in a few month !! Is this "friend" probably too heavy her(him) self and could not stand it you did such a great job ? Hugs and compliments for you )))

by mops Moderator 05 Jan 2018

Congratulations on the weight loss. It takes determination and you did it. Facial lines show a bit more, skin is not as elastic as it was when we were 20, but it will improve. Do not mind those jealous and insensitive remarks!!

by mrskiki 05 Jan 2018

How insensitive of that person. While she might have thought that, never should have said it to you. Sounds like a bit of jealousy! Hugs. Nan W