by parkermom 01 Jan 2018

As I was babysitting my machine today, I had the germ of an idea--almost every bit of advice about machine embroidery can be used for our spiritual life. So here's my bit of advice for myself--don't forget the fundamentals. For me, that means my quiet time and devotions. Can any of you add your embroidery/spiritual advice? Let's make this another year of lifting each other up.


by lbrow 06 Jan 2018

I thank God every day for my blessings. I consider my machines blessings from God because there was a time when I had nothing but one of the little Singer Featherweights. Made a lot of clothes for the girls and for myself as well as Sewing for the public to make a little extra money. God has blessed me so much Sooo I try to pass some of the blessings on from my machine by using it to sew for various others who need things. Lillian

cooperal by cooperal 06 Jan 2018

Awesome ministry...sewing for others. God blesses you as you pass on your talents.

parkermom by parkermom 06 Jan 2018

Another great lesson. My family keeps me busy with sewing and embroidery for them and their friends, but sometimes I make things for our local pregnancy help center. The new moms can take parenting classes and other kinds of classes and earn "points" to spend on pretty things for their babies that they might not be able to get otherwise. It's a good feeling.

lbrow by lbrow 11 Jan 2018

This is one of the groups I love to sew for. Love sewing for babies.

by cooperal 04 Jan 2018 keep things going well I need to stop and clean the lint out of the hidden area...around the bobbin in my life I need to let God clean some of the hidden areas in my life.
To me, my sewing room is my creative corner. When others see my fabric stash, thread stash and all the tools they wonder just what good can come of that. When God created everything He looked at it and said it was "good"...and He didn't have a stash it was just His spoken Word. When people (especially those that have no idea about sewing) see some of my simple projects they are amazed! I get to share that I believe that since God, the Creator, made me in His image part of that was creativity. It's just up to me to use this asset. To others it may be music, painting, teaching, medical, building...and the list goes on ad infinitum. I am blessed as I create. I love having worship music on; it's a place I can pray while I work (multi tasking at its best!) with very little in the way of interruption. The friends I've made through this group are often in my prayers and God knows how to direct those prayers to meet those needs. 2018 is a new year and I pray that as each one of us create with our machines we will be drawn to the knowledge that we were especially designed by God the Creator. May the blessings of God rest on each one of you, your families and those that come in and out of your homes. Avis

1 comment
parkermom by parkermom 04 Jan 2018

That was an awesome lesson. Sometimes I get caught up in the seriousness of trying to do a god job, and forget about using creativity. And that creativity is a source of joy.

by joansatx 04 Jan 2018

Make things with a joyful heart. Through the fun and success and blunders, I'm thankful that I'm able!

1 comment
parkermom by parkermom 04 Jan 2018

What a great reminder. I have a bracelet that says "it is well with my soul" and while many people think of it only as a funeral song, to me its a daily reminder to neep on praising no matter what.

by 02kar Moderator 03 Jan 2018

I have often prayed while watching my machine stitch out a project. I also use the time to do my vertigo exercises. After all, multi-tasking is such a woman's thing to do. And what a good idea to have a Bible next to our machines.

jrob by jrob 03 Jan 2018

Well, I often pray.....mostly when I have to go back and put my design in the correct spot because my software glitches. It never ceases to amaze me how God cares for tiny little needs.

parkermom by parkermom 04 Jan 2018

That is all so true. Thank you for sharing. Since I'm not able to sew or embroider every day due to health issues, I'm so grateful when I am able. Its nice to pray and watch my machine produce something pretty. And I especially need to pray when I mess it up!!

by Sewmum1 02 Jan 2018

Patience is a virtue

I still remember one of my first embroidery designs I stitched out that wasn't just lettering, thinking an hour was such a long time to complete! I had never watched a design stitch out before so I had no clue how long designs took to finish.

Then there are the thread tangles and broken needles.......the list goes on

Patience is vital

1 comment
parkermom by parkermom 02 Jan 2018

The list of my mistakes is endless. And embarrassing at how many times it took me to learn from! Thank God for forgiveness.

by snoukems 02 Jan 2018

Never be afraid to try something new, just be careful!

1 comment
parkermom by parkermom 02 Jan 2018

So true. I was so frightened to try ith projects and when i finally tried, I became hooked!

by mops Moderator 02 Jan 2018

When in doubt, read the manual!

parkermom by parkermom 02 Jan 2018

so true.

jrob by jrob 03 Jan 2018

Amen to that!

airyfairy by airyfairy 04 Jan 2018

Absolutely Martine

cooperal by cooperal 04 Jan 2018

So true!

by graceandham 02 Jan 2018

Hooping. Material must be hooped firmly and straight and supported from behind. To mark the focus of our design, we draw a cross in the center, so that all our stitching turns out right. Even when we wash out the cross markings, the cross is still there in the way our design looks.

parkermom by parkermom 02 Jan 2018

Proper backing is so vital, isn't it.

jrob by jrob 03 Jan 2018

Love this.