by cfidl 31 Oct 2017

Remember the feral black kitty I had in my yard last spring? Well it came back. I found Metro Cat which does service my zip code. They will be setting out traps (yes there are as many as 3 black cats) tomorrow morning. They will spay/neuter and evaluate to see if any of them can become home kitties. If they are too feral they will be returned to me with an insulated house. One of the 3 looks blind in one eye, the scraggly one is spoiled and likes just canned food and the last one is absolutely perfect. Tune in next time - for "kitty diaries" I wonder if I could put a camera on one of these kitties and get the city scoop and would it break my heart.


by cfidl 03 Nov 2017

I spoke too soon... The nice kitty that looked the most scraggily was trapped. The good news is that he will be taken to the pound where he will have tooth surgery and then be re-homed! yeah!

by cfidl 02 Nov 2017

These cats are really smart. I have not seen them all day. I expect the traps to be picked up soon. Maybe tomorrow. This is a lot harder than I thought it would be.

by cfidl 01 Nov 2017

No success today. I did learn that another cat that comes for food has already been sprayed, and my little black cats are smarter than I anticipated, They sat there and just watched. The scraggly one came by after 5 and got some kibble as the traps were removed for the evening. I think the traps will be back in the morning so we will see what happens then.

by zoefzoef 01 Nov 2017

Hoping for the best result for all of them. Thank you for taking care of every one of them. Xxx

by Leaha 31 Oct 2017

I would say poor kitties, but they really aren't; not with you in their lives now. Hope everything works out well. Thank you for caring.

by 02kar Moderator 31 Oct 2017

Kudos to you for caring about these 3 kitties. Isn't it wonderful that there are people who are willing to trap and transport them to be neutered.The feral house will be wonderful, keeping them warm an safe in bad weather. I'm not sure I could see what their lives are like on the streets.

1 comment
Leaha by Leaha 31 Oct 2017

ditto to that.