by toogie ( edited 16 Oct 2017 ) 15 Oct 2017

UPDATE below-Hello Cuties, I made this journal today and I love the design. Isn't the design just beautiful! It was a free design, from OPW in my old 2012 files. It may still be there, the file says EC062-MOC-SEP11.

What I don't like is, the more I press to get the wrinkle creases out, the worse it gets. I use this iron on all the time and the one I made right before this one, with the same fabric, didn't wrinkle like this.

I am hoping by the time it is stuffed with all the other gifts it will mash the wrinkles out. I can only hope, I know....

Have a good night/day, where ever part of the world, you are-Toogie
I made another and I don't like it any better. I should have done the stippling smaller, but at the time, I just wanted to get through with it. You know when your hearts no longer in it, it's time to put it up.
Got some upsetting news and been out of sorts, so my sewing will have to end with what it is, for the trip gifts.


by lbrow 23 Oct 2017

It' beautiful Toogie and I love mine, even my daughter is hinting abut me making one for her. Love you Lillian

1 comment
toogie by toogie 08 Nov 2017

I love you too! Maybe you could make her one for Christmas. I read today there are only 7 more week-ends......have you started to write in yours?

by katydid 22 Oct 2017

Looks good.

1 comment
toogie by toogie 08 Nov 2017

Thanks Kay

by liesel3 21 Oct 2017

I just love this. You really did a beautiful job. Thank you for sharing

1 comment
toogie by toogie 08 Nov 2017

You're very welcome. Thank you for looking.

by kustomkuddle 20 Oct 2017

Wonderfully done Toogie. I like this as well!

1 comment
toogie by toogie 08 Nov 2017

The stippling is better but just needs to be tighter, smaller.Thanks

by cfidl 20 Oct 2017

I really like the design with the stippling. Beautiful!

1 comment
toogie by toogie 08 Nov 2017

It looks better, uh? Thanks

by deegee 17 Oct 2017

Totally beautiful design. The stippling makes it very effective. But you should try not to be too hard on yourself as you have done a great job on all.

1 comment
toogie by toogie 17 Oct 2017

Thank you, but sometimes things don't go as we'd like.

by noah 17 Oct 2017

Great job may God's force be with you:):)hugs

1 comment
toogie by toogie 17 Oct 2017


by mariahail 16 Oct 2017

LOVELY INDEED!!!!!**********************************

1 comment
toogie by toogie 17 Oct 2017


by rugejack 16 Oct 2017

I think it is beautiful, especially with the stippling!

1 comment
toogie by toogie 17 Oct 2017

Thanks Ruth-welcome to Cute.

by brendalea 16 Oct 2017

Great job on the journals. Thank you for sharing Happy Stitching :~)

1 comment
toogie by toogie 17 Oct 2017


by pennyhal2 16 Oct 2017

Ah! Problem solved! The addition of the stippling really made a difference in appearance. Upsetting news can really impact your life. Hopefully, you'll be back to sewing soon.

1 comment
toogie by toogie 17 Oct 2017

We went to both the wakes but I don't want to go to the little girls funeral tomorrow, it's just too hard.....

by tka1954 16 Oct 2017

I love this great job

1 comment
toogie by toogie 16 Oct 2017

Welcome to Cute. I will give you your second flower.

by queenofhearts 16 Oct 2017

What an amazing difference the stippling makes. Great save!!!

1 comment
toogie by toogie 16 Oct 2017

These are two different covers, same fabric, same design. The stippling does look better,as Lidia and Kim said I think the fabric was too thin without the added batting.

by shozo1271 16 Oct 2017

Hope and pray your sad news turns into glad news, Toogie. I wonder if you put some batting behind, if that would help take out the wrinkles? BTW, I do love the large stipples, I think smaller would take away from the floral.

toogie by toogie 16 Oct 2017

Thank you for your advice.

Flghtlss by Flghtlss 19 Oct 2017

I totally agree. I tend to like larger stippling. The smaller kind seems to take over the projects it's used on. I think you did a wonderful job and I pray things get better for you soon. <3

by cooperal 16 Oct 2017

Each one of us critique our own work the harshest. I love what the stippling has added to this project and you should be proud of the outcome. I always enjoy seeing your projects; they show you have created them with love. May the Lord comfort you and give you His peace in your present situation. Rest...knowing that He loves you dearly. I will keep you in my prayers. Avis

1 comment
toogie by toogie 16 Oct 2017

I guess I was just trying to keep my mind busy with sewing but my heart was elsewhere. (See my comment below to rescuer) Thank you Avis

by airyfairy 16 Oct 2017

i think if the stippling were smaller it would be too busy. I just love the stippled effect. Great work Toogie

1 comment
toogie by toogie 16 Oct 2017

Thank you

by crafter2243 Moderator 16 Oct 2017

End result is very pretty. The stippling really added character to the cover. Well done.

1 comment
toogie by toogie 16 Oct 2017


by jenne 16 Oct 2017

Did you do your stippling by e machine or regular. so pretty.

1 comment
toogie by toogie 16 Oct 2017

Regular machine, free motion stippling, thanks

by tricotine31 16 Oct 2017

Très joli travail, bravo !!!

1 comment
toogie by toogie 16 Oct 2017

Welcome to Cute!

by dragonflyer 16 Oct 2017

Problem the stippling...really adds a richness to the front cover....

airyfairy by airyfairy 16 Oct 2017

I think so too Kim

toogie by toogie 16 Oct 2017

Thank you two Cuties for being there for me.

by rescuer Moderator 16 Oct 2017

Perfection! You have such a kind heart to fret so much over a gift. May you be blessed for your kindness. I will add you to my prayers today. Whatever news it is you're dealing with, you can make it through. You do hard things all the time!

1 comment
toogie by toogie 16 Oct 2017

We got news yesterday a friend of ours youngest daughter, around my daughter Ashley's age, lost her 37 year old husband. They think it was a heart attack, he was working off.
Then a few hours later, someone let me know a girl that used to ride my bus, died. These children have a lot of health issues and I know that. It's still so hard to hear.....

by lidiad 16 Oct 2017

You've done it, you've done it, congratulations, Toogie. You have solved the problem and created a beautiful note cover to be proud of :-)
Hugs, Lidia

1 comment
toogie by toogie 16 Oct 2017

I does look better with stippling, just wish I had done smaller and closer stipples. I just loved the design.

by jenne 16 Oct 2017

The stippling sure sets it off! beautiful, I love it.

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toogie by toogie 16 Oct 2017

It does do better with stippling on this fabric, thanks

by awesome1 16 Oct 2017

The stippling only makes it more beautiful! Were it mine, I would not want to give it away..just so very pretty. Some lucky lady will love it too.

1 comment
toogie by toogie 16 Oct 2017

Thank you for being so kind.

by killiecrankie 15 Oct 2017

do some free hand stippling around the design,so the wrinkles blend into the whole design.It is too nice to bin.

1 comment
toogie by toogie 16 Oct 2017

I think it would be too hard with the back and flaps all sewn on, but your idea would work I believe. I will either keep it for myself or do something with it later. Thanks

by mad14kt 15 Oct 2017

Lovely!!!! FIESTA ;D

1 comment
toogie by toogie 16 Oct 2017

Flower for you

by hoplessnz 15 Oct 2017

have you tried spray starching it ,,,, lots of it

1 comment
toogie by toogie 16 Oct 2017

I think it's like your name...hopeless

by liliana1 15 Oct 2017

Very Beautiful

1 comment
toogie by toogie 16 Oct 2017

Flower for you

by sonjapotgieter 15 Oct 2017

Stunning!!!!Well done

1 comment
toogie by toogie 16 Oct 2017

The design is nice....

by pennyhal2 15 Oct 2017

This is a gorgeous stitchout! Your thread choices really give a lot of life and motion to it. You have a lot of good suggestions below, and I know you are bothered by some elements of the outcome. However, always trying to do better and make things perfect is something you just do. That is how we strive to improve our skills and learn. You can always send it to me ,and I would treasure it!

pennyhal2 by pennyhal2 15 Oct 2017

I looked it up. It was a "search and find" from Embroidery Connections, and they no longer exist.

toogie by toogie 16 Oct 2017

I checked too, not there:(

by basketkase 15 Oct 2017

Such a pretty cover, Toogie and I see your name on it as well......great job!!

1 comment
toogie by toogie 16 Oct 2017

Wrinkles and all?!!!

by kustomkuddle 15 Oct 2017

Toogie, We are always so hard on ourselves and what we create. Others see the beauty while all we see are the wrinkles! it is a beautiful piece of work. I would hate to see you toss it because of a few wrinkles. (LOL - I can see myself throwing it in the I'll work on it later pile.) I love it. It reminds me that we are not created perfect and as much as we try we can not become perfect. We need the grace and love of our Lord and Savior. Hugs.

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toogie by toogie 16 Oct 2017

It like me, is far from perfect. Flower for your thoughts.

by dailylaundry 15 Oct 2017

Truly, this is lovely - The colors are beautiful!!!

1 comment
toogie by toogie 16 Oct 2017

The design is for sure...

by dragonflyer 15 Oct 2017

The design is very pretty...I agree with is too dense for the fabric and stabilizer you used...not much you can do at this point...if the stabilizer is a cut away...I would try to cut it away closer to the design especially where it has puckered...sometimes this can help, but it won't get rid of all of them...If you use this design again, I would suggest you use a fusible stabilizer and/or back the fabric with a fusible cloud type material before you embroider it...

1 comment
toogie by toogie 16 Oct 2017

I think this is why it puckered...I used a Pellon iron on....

by lidiad 15 Oct 2017

Looking at your pictures, I think that this fabric is too thin for this design.. If you have the time, I would suggest you to select a thicker and stronger fabric or a less dense design - the rose here is too large and dense - and stitch it out again. :-)
Hugs, Lidia

1 comment
toogie by toogie 15 Oct 2017

I think you are correct. I almost quilted the fabric, before I emb and wished now that I would have. Thanks

by zoefzoef 15 Oct 2017

It is indeed a very nice design

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toogie by toogie edited 15 Oct 2017

I do like the design, just the fabric didn't do well.

by carolpountney 15 Oct 2017

Toogie not sure if you used cotton or not but two things I do when not using 100% cotton fabric is to iron on vilene and I very seldom hoop the fabric just float the fabric it works for me most of the time sometimes the fabric stretches and I am sure that causes wrinkles

1 comment
toogie by toogie 15 Oct 2017

I left a small opening to turn the piece. It may be when I pulled it through, right side out, could have caused stretching. Thanks

by Sewmum1 edited 15 Oct 2017

Very pretty. I have had this problem sometimes if I use steam when pressing. Sometimes steam can make the stabiliser shrink. I wonder if you insert some batting between the embroidery and the book whether it might fill out the puckers.

toogie by toogie 15 Oct 2017

I wondered too and I also thought about trying to peel the iron on off, but will probably stretch the fabric more, IF it will pull off.....

killiecrankie by killiecrankie 15 Oct 2017

If you do try to peel off the iron on ,use a steam iron on it first,the heat from the iron makes it a lot easier to peel off

toogie by toogie 16 Oct 2017

I may try that another day...thanks

by airyfairy 15 Oct 2017

It is such a pretty design. I never press embroidery as it always puckers. Perhaps a Cutie can help us with this problem

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toogie by toogie 15 Oct 2017

I hope so ....

by pennifold 15 Oct 2017

Very pretty and I hope for your sake that the wrinkles smooth out too. I've got some good stuff for the face if you ever need it he he he! Love Chris

1 comment
toogie by toogie 15 Oct 2017

Do you iron it on the face?-lol
This will probably be thrown if I can't find a solution.