by bevintex 04 Oct 2017

Hello. Again. Been away for 7 months and now am ready to embroidery and get ready to make my projects again. I had a lot of health problems to take of and most of all the bad is over. My problem now is what I make and where do I start. Most of all of my supplies are stored and it will be some time before I "find" my stuff. Now what am making first. Have a lots ideas stored in my head but will make a big list but there there is there is no hurry. Just let to let you that I'm back

Bev in Texas-Remember me lol


by airyfairy 10 Oct 2017

Great to see you here again.

by cfidl 09 Oct 2017

Yeah! It is so good to see you! You were missed for sure. Can't wait to see what you come up with. Big cyber hugs! Christine

by zoefzoef 08 Oct 2017

Hello Bev, glad to see you're back and your health has improved !
Just start slowly and everything will turn out ok.

by noah 06 Oct 2017

So happy to get your emails and extra happy you are ok God is Good!!Hugs Carolyn xx

by basketkase 05 Oct 2017

Hey Bev!! Glad to see will think up something great, you always do!! Let me know if I can help out..........

by mrskiki 05 Oct 2017

So glad to hear you are doing better and are ready to get sewing/embroidering again. What type of projects do you like to do? Will these things be for yourself, gifts or items to sell? Hugs. Nan W (in TX)

by mops Moderator 05 Oct 2017

Glad to see you are back. Ideas might come flooding once you get your supplies! For the time being start something simple with the things you have at hand.

by rescuer Moderator 04 Oct 2017

I am glad you are back with us and well enough to post

by Sewmum1 04 Oct 2017

Lovely to see you around again. Enjoy getting back into things.

by jrob Moderator 04 Oct 2017

I've missed you!

by shirley124 04 Oct 2017

Nice to see you back and know all is OK in your life. I have not been embroidering since our move nearly 12 months ago, but now have my Embroidery machines set up ready to go. I also have lots of ideas in my head. I also have made a list of designs I have bought while waiting to get my sewing room in order. Now to get to and make something with them. Hugs

by 02kar Moderator 04 Oct 2017

Welcome back and good to know you will soon be up and running again. You can always choose a simple design from your machine and make a simple item like a coaster to learn your machine again. I've been trying to get back to embroidering since last March so I can understand how you are feeling.

by dragonflyer 04 Oct 2017

Big welcome back! So glad your health problems are behind you...pick something fun! Lots of may depend upon which of your supplies you run across have been missed!

bevintex by bevintex 04 Oct 2017

Thank you. I am smiling again

bevintex by bevintex 04 Oct 2017

Membership dates: February 10, 2011 - August 12, 2011
2011-2017 a long time

by kustomkuddle 04 Oct 2017

Glad to meet you. 7 months is about how long I have been on the site. Hope things are better since the hurricane and that your health is improving. DebB

1 comment
bevintex by bevintex 04 Oct 2017

Things are good

by graceandham 04 Oct 2017

Well. at last, she appears! I've worried about you! I too have not been stitching much since April (new knee and all sewing upstairs). When I get up there, I'm starting with something simple like a couple of pincushions, then Christmas ornaments and gifts. The season is upon us!

by crafter2243 Moderator 04 Oct 2017

Bev I am so glad you are back. You had been on my mind for a while. I hope you did not have any damage from the hurricane. I am sure you will find things to embroider real fast once you have your supplies

1 comment
bevintex by bevintex 04 Oct 2017

We had no damage with the hurricane but just other lifes problems. Things are so much so better today.

by toogie 04 Oct 2017

Yes I do!!! Glad to see you're back. I missed all the 'where do I go for this' info you always know, your pretty projects and YOU! Glad the worse, of the health problems, are behind you. -Toogie

1 comment
bevintex by bevintex 04 Oct 2017

Things are good today and the future. Miss you and I'm back

by asterixsew Moderator 04 Oct 2017

Bev welcome back. Glad to hear that you feel ready to commence making again and look forwards to seeing what.

1 comment
bevintex by bevintex 04 Oct 2017

most of my projects are in the ''thinking'' stage but that will change soon

by sewtired 04 Oct 2017

Glad you're back. Just don't overdo it.

1 comment
bevintex by bevintex 04 Oct 2017

I'm taking it slow. No hurry

by gdsteliga 04 Oct 2017

Welcome back. Baby steps. It all gets done in time.
God bless.


1 comment
bevintex by bevintex 04 Oct 2017

Thanks, Things are good and I'm happy.

by sandyqueen 04 Oct 2017

We missed you. Health problems really interrupt our life plans. Prayers for complete healing, lots of ideas to pop out of your head and strength to do them.

Glad you areback.


1 comment
bevintex by bevintex 04 Oct 2017

I was always checking on the Cute site but just was not participating so I know that most of you were doing.