by mi30kaja 21 Jul 2017

Help Please. I have downloaded/upgraded SewIconz 64bit but can not get my patterns to appear or convert to pes. I have also downloaded WinZip. If you have Windows 10 and SewIconz how do you convert your patterns to pes (Brother) so that you can load them onto a USB and then onto your machine? I never had this problem with my old computer. Lyn


by gdsteliga 22 Jul 2017

You want to unzip the file?? Right click on the zipped file, from the drop down menu ,you can now
either "OPEN" and copy and paste your design. Or "EXTRACT ALL" which will give you an unzipped file folder. Hope this is what you are looking for.
Windows 10 doesn't need another program to unzip files.

1 comment
mi30kaja by mi30kaja 22 Jul 2017

Thank You for this but I think I need someone to show me as I must be doing something wrong. I will just keep trying.

by arisann 22 Jul 2017

Try opening on the desktop screen. I do this sometimes to get mine. After open then put the one pes in another folder. then you will have the pes format only.

1 comment
mi30kaja by mi30kaja 22 Jul 2017

Guess I still have to learn this windows 10

by gdsteliga 22 Jul 2017

I have SewIconz and windows 10. SewIconz allows me to see the design in all formats. To covert from one format to another I use WILCOM TRUSIZER which is a free conversion download. I hope his helps.

1 comment
mi30kaja by mi30kaja 22 Jul 2017

This is exactly what I want but can't seem to get them to marry up. I had thisn on my XP

by mranderson 22 Jul 2017

Sorry Lyn, cannot help, this is why I am still using Windows 8.1 and have not gone to Windows 10. Hugs Marg

1 comment
mi30kaja by mi30kaja 22 Jul 2017

Lucky You. I am still missing mt XP. I have it sert up in another room so I can access my patterns but it is not on the Net.

by mi30kaja 21 Jul 2017

Thank You for your answers but still can't achieve what I want.Think I should go back to square one. Never thought I was dumb until now.
If I have just bought this Windows 10 Computer and wanted to buy patterns from say Embroidery Library (Which I have bought many) I have downloaded the Zip file from them and now want to convert it so I can load it onto my Brother machine with a USB. Please tell me what to do/buy. p.s. I have now deleted WinZip thanks to rescuer

1 comment
marianb by marianb 22 Jul 2017

If you have bought designs at Embroidery Library go to your order history and change the design from ? to Pes and re-download it. I have done this to all my orders as I had a Janome and now have a Brother as well. As for Sewlconz I can't help you. Maybe crafter2243's suggestion is the way to go. Hope this helps a little. Marian

by jerrib 21 Jul 2017

I don't have Sewlconz, but I do have SewWhat Pro from the same Company. Once you unzip your designs, you can convert them to whatever format you want.
If you have SewWhat Pro, let me know and I will tell you how to do a Batch Convert.

by crafter2243 Moderator 21 Jul 2017

In Windows 10 you do not need Winzip. Just right click on a zipped file and choose Extract all.
I do not know anything about SewIconz. All can think of that you may need to link your files to it in Properties

1 comment
crafter2243 by crafter2243 21 Jul 2017

Ok I looked at the property of my pes files and it says unknown application and then I realized that I had purchased SewIconz a while back and had the same issue. I contacted the company/owner and he send me a small program that fixed it.

by rescuer Moderator 21 Jul 2017

First, you don't need winzip. Windows has the ability to extract zipped files. Additionally, winzip often has Trojan/virus payload.

Second, you need to right click on an embroidery file and select SewIconz as the program you wish to use for embroidery files. You will need to do this for each file type (i.e. pes, jef, art etc.)

I hope this makes sense.