by graceandham 06 Apr 2017

Computer beginners. How to search. This is very basic for new, new to computer stitchers. If you are searching on, for example, Designs by Sick for something that looks like a sunbonnet girl alphabets and you key in "alpha," your results will find alpha, alphabet, alphabets. If you search "alphas", it cannot find alpha, alphabet, alphabets. So always choose the shortest, simplest group of letters to search upon that will limit the results group to something useful. (If you just searched on "a", you'd have way too many results.) Now, back to that example, if you search "sunbonnets," you will only find sunbonnets with an "s" on the end. If you search "sunbonnet", you will find sunbonnet and sunbonnets. BUT, if you search "sun", your results will yield sun, sunny, sunbonnet, sunbonnets, unsunny, unsung. Get it? Hope this helps you find what you want efficiently.