by katydid 21 Dec 2016

My KiKi has taken over my chair in my sewing room chair and I have last minute gifts to stitch. She has other special places so why sabotage my last last minute projects. Why do we love our cats so much? This is her home and I am here to take care of her. Kay


by katydid 22 Dec 2016

Yes, some of us are definitely controlled by our cats. I guess , I am one. Love all of you. Kay

by jrob Moderator 22 Dec 2016

Well, she does tolerate you using "her" chair some of the time. :)

1 comment
katydid by katydid 22 Dec 2016

I guess so!

by basketkase 22 Dec 2016

I just came in to my office to start work and Sammi was laying on my chair and he whines when I move him to the shelf bed.......Kiki is beautiful!

1 comment
katydid by katydid 22 Dec 2016

Ki Ki does not like to be moved either.

by cfidl 22 Dec 2016

I believe you answered your own question. My kitty demands to be walked into the bedroom and tucked in several times a day. He will not go on his own at least once every morning. He is so funny but that is how I won his heart.

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katydid by katydid 22 Dec 2016

I do love this cat and she is becoming more demanding the older she gets.

by momac 22 Dec 2016

She is lovely, we have a cat Misty who does that while we are on the computer, so we just move that chair over to one side and sit on another.
We have 4 cats and have to keep each one of them happy, would never do without them and love them to bits. Hugs from Maureen

1 comment
katydid by katydid 22 Dec 2016

OH! my to keep 4 happy! In don't know. Kay

by killiecrankie 21 Dec 2016

Maybe she thinks you are spending too much time there & not enough with her .
At least you can move her ,the chair along & replace it with another chair to sit on.Last Friday afternoon ,I found all the upstairs power points were not working,were in perfect working order before lunch.Couldn't finish of a few things for the next days market.Electrician came next morning, found it was caused by a power point which hadn't been used for a year,cost half of my market takings.

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katydid by katydid 21 Dec 2016

You may may be correct!

by graceandham 21 Dec 2016

Awww! My dad would say you are her people. (She owns you.) Cats have to get where we will see them. My Nudger, a cat from years ago, used to sit on the bed with me on Sunday afternoon and pretend to read the newspaper with me. Actually, he was watching my eyes. When I looked over to the right page, he went and sat on that page to get my attention.. When I would move him and turn the page, he would check my eyes and sit on the left page, etc.

1 comment
katydid by katydid 21 Dec 2016

Oh! My we have connections!