by sjbrower 15 Dec 2016

Couple of Christmas things...

First, design from UT stitched on a red apron for my neighbor. I forgot to take a photo of the finished project, but this one is as I took it off the machine. It stitched out nicely. The little hearts look purplish, but are metallic red. (Pardon my dirty hoop!)

Second, ornaments for the two special little ones in my life, Kai and Ella. I really need to learn to cut around these felt ornaments better. Kai is 5 and Ella is 2, so I'm sure they won't mind. Designs from EmbLib.


by sonjapotgieter 17 Dec 2016


by sandralane 17 Dec 2016

Great designs, beautifully stitched, well done. Sandra.

by graceandham 16 Dec 2016

These look great. Mistletoe design is outstanding on the red. That might be a repeat stitchout!!

by jeanfoz 16 Dec 2016

Very nice, Jean xx

by baydreamer 16 Dec 2016

everything looks wonderful!

by 02kar Moderator 16 Dec 2016

Be proud of what you have created. You did a great job on each one. And your frames look a lot better than mine.

by noah 16 Dec 2016

Nicely done I love them hugs from where it is -30f today:(:(

by pennyhal2 16 Dec 2016

Love the apron! The ornaments are perfect for the little ones in your life. Nicely done!

I see a lot of projects where the felt is strimmed after stitching and shows a little. I think as long as it is trimmed evenly, they really don't need to be trimmed so close to the stitching. Becides, I always manage to cut the threads when I try to cut too close!

However, if there is a stay stitching line before the satin stitch like in applique, I always try to trim closely to it. If there are pokies after I do the satin stitch, I do two layers of the satin stitching. That helps hide the pokies.

by pennifold 16 Dec 2016

I love them, and I do the same as crazypatchmama, I cut out before the satin stitch goes on. Another way is to use WSS as the stabiliser and that way you can just wet the edge and it will dissolve. Love Chris

1 comment
sjbrower by sjbrower 16 Dec 2016

I should do that more (use WSS for stabilizer). I only think of it for FSL, but it has so many uses!.

by crazypatchmama 16 Dec 2016

Beautiful designs. Love the stitch out on the apron. I also have a difficulty with the cutting out of felt, but sometimes, I cut out first the outline before the satin. Stitches. Hugs

1 comment
sjbrower by sjbrower 16 Dec 2016

I had thought about cutting it before the final satin stitch, but the top felt was hooped so I couldn't get to it easily. Maybe next time I will float the felt on top (and bottom) so that I can cut it out like an applique. It would certainly look nicer!