by gdsteliga 23 Jul 2016

It was 3 months today I suddenly lost my dear husband and since then it seems to be one disaster after another and I am not coping very well.

I hope someone can help me with this one. Last week Windows 10 did an update that devastated my computer. After three days with Microsoft I have my apps back but they uninstalled SEWICONZ. I have not been able to get it back. I see the website is undergoing a change. I think I have lost the install feature on my computer. While working on my Laptop all the icons there disappeared too. It is not working anywhere.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

God bless


by airyfairy 31 Jul 2016

Doreen, I am so very sorry to hear that you are not coping well. I have SewIconz and if I need help I contact Steve at Sands Computing. He is amazing and will help you. Go into their site and you will find a place for e mailing them. I downloaded Windows 10 last week after much thought. I am delighted with it and all my programs are where they were.
Please send me a PM if you need me to help you further.
Hugs Sarah

by hightechgrammy 30 Jul 2016

Doreen, your heart is still so very tender, and any kind of computer fix just shouldn't be done by you. There are professionals who can fix the problem. Tell them what you are going through. and most people will understand. My heart weeps with yours. Hugs, Jan

by jrob Moderator 30 Jul 2016

Doreen, I'm so sorry for your loss. I imagine it's difficult doing things that previously seemed so normal. I wish that I could help with your computer problems, but I'm not very computer savvy. I can figure things out, but it takes me many tries sometimes to get there and I couldn't replicate it to save my life. I can offer prayers for your heart to heal and hugs from Georgia.

by shozo1271 23 Jul 2016

I am so sorry for your pain and loss... I do not use SewICONZ, but I sure have heard great things about them. Would they help you to reinstall? Keep your chin up *Hugs and Flowers*

1 comment
gdsteliga by gdsteliga 23 Jul 2016

Thank you. One of the problems in the inability to install anything right now.

by dragonflyer 23 Jul 2016

So sad for your loss, Doreen...I hope the advice from Rescuer helps you get your computer back on track...

by graceandham 23 Jul 2016

Rescuer gives great computer advice, but I just want to add, if you are coping at all, at this point of grief, good for you. Guard your sleep (more hours) and nutrition (fresh veggies and maybe a multi-vitamin, probiotics, etc.) because grief robs your nutrition, then you can get into a cycle of infections, illness, un-well-ness. God bless.

1 comment
gdsteliga by gdsteliga 23 Jul 2016

I sometimes think I am OK. But then I know I'm not. I miss him so much. My faith and good Scottish background are helping, and a lot of help from my friends.

God bless you all.

by rescuer Moderator 23 Jul 2016

It might be file association causing the problem on your laptop. Occasionally, updates can mess with it. Right click an embroidery file > choose "Open With" > if SewIcons is not listed, then browse for it. If you become frustrated, then step away for an hour so you can breathe again. Computers can be frustrating even for professionals!

I will be away from my computer most of the day, but will check in on my phone to see if you need more help. There might be a YouTube video or at least a tutorial with pictures if you do a search for "file association"

gdsteliga by gdsteliga 23 Jul 2016

I have tried troubleshooting from the Microsoft site. Nothing worked. I have to step back I am having a bad day. Will try something more tomorrow.
Thank you.

rescuer by rescuer 25 Jul 2016

Microsoft will not see changes in file association as a problem or issue. Use Google to search. Let me know if you still need help.

getEdited - SELECT
by nutshell edited 23 Jul 2016

Did you try uninstalling, re-downloading, and installing SewIconz (link below)? To uninstall, open the control panel. It's now organized in categories, which I don't like much, but you can search for "uninstall" to find the feature you want. Hope that helps!

1 comment
gdsteliga by gdsteliga 23 Jul 2016

My problem is being unable to download of install. I will have to get back to Microsoft. But not right now.