by teddygram 19 Mar 2016

Hi I Need some help I just open my letter from Stitch Delight for the free Letters E and F well went and opened them and found out I had 2 F's can some one help me get the letter E, I deleted my email before I noticed. would love the help Thank you so much. Ruthann


by sdrise 21 Mar 2016

THe link is corrected today wit an additional letter. 3/21/16

by embroiderb 19 Mar 2016

If you do not wish to wait for the corrected link, the advice to download from her Facebook page works nicely. Deb

by katydid 19 Mar 2016

I got the same thing. I feel sure some will tell her and she will fix it. Kay

by cfidl 19 Mar 2016

You can go to her facebook group and download the e there. It is the 3 post down.

pacmp by pacmp 19 Mar 2016

Thank you for that heads up! Don't go on face book often but did go get the E downloaded. Thanks again, Pam

dragonflyer by dragonflyer 21 Mar 2016

You can only do that if you join her Facebook group,but the EFG are in today's Newsletter...

by pacmp 19 Mar 2016

They are good about taking care of problems and as it involves all of our letter E's they will either resend correctly or make it up in some other way, but we would eventually be able to complete our sets. They are in Africa and they now are not taking business on the Sabbath so do not worry if we do not hear back from them before Monday, their time.

by rescuer Moderator 19 Mar 2016

You could contact her via email or facebook. They are only free for one day.

by crafter2243 Moderator 19 Mar 2016

I think the E did not work. Both were F's. Most likely they will become aware of it and re-send.

by joansatx 19 Mar 2016

Both download as F. I imagine it'll be fixed.

by mops Moderator 19 Mar 2016

It would be illegal to have someone send you the letter, any letter, free or not.
Have you looked in the waste bin? Unless you have set your computer to empty it automatically once you shut down, it will be there. I only empty the bin once a week after a close look there's nothing in it I might want to save.