by pcteddyb 28 Dec 2015

Hello Cuties! I am hoping someone can point me in the right direction. I have an oval (ellipse) outline in Embird 2015 Studio (an .eof file) and I am wondering if there is a way to make that outline a satin stitch (i.e. column)? I want to use it for an applique (to seal the edges). Appreciate any guidance you could provide. Thank!


by mops Moderator 29 Dec 2015

The other way to do it is set the parameters to satin stitch (arrow1) and set the width (arrow 2) and density. Also very handy when you want to resize (in Studio) as it keeps the width you have set.

1 comment
pcteddyb by pcteddyb 29 Dec 2015

Thank You I will try this.

by spendlove Moderator 29 Dec 2015

In Studio, with that outline highlighted, go to the "convert" menu across the top and select "create column from outline".

1 comment
pcteddyb by pcteddyb edited 29 Dec 2015

Thank You I will try this.